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Old 09-02-2010, 10:45 AM   #10
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Posts: 197

Just finished the game. Of course had to consult the walkthrough very often. Way more than I would have liked. This game is filled with the most inane convoluted puzzles I've seen since TLJ, which I also didn't like and never finished.

Which is really to bad, because although the story was pretty standard fare, it did throw you a couple of curves here and there, and ended in a pretty satisfactory way. (although for some reason I was never able to watch the ending cinematic, maybe a bug?) There were some loose ends here and there, but better than some other games I've played. And as goofy as the main characters acted, they did grow on me for some inexplicable reason. So it did have a certain charm about it. Plus it actually had me laughing at the absurdity of the puzzles themselves, which is more than I can say for some other games as well.

I may try to take on Nibiru next which I also started and never finished. I've got to rest my hands first though. I think I'm getting carpal tunnel from all that alt-tabbing out of the game to get to the walkthrough!!
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