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Old 09-01-2010, 08:23 AM   #8
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Well you know the ambiance and graphics in the game are good, and the story as well. What I find weird is that the game can't seem to decide whether it wants to be serious or humorous. It's like a schizophrenic person arguing with himself. "I want to be funny!" "No! I want to be serious." I guess they decided they could go both ways.

And the voice acting. OMG the voice acting! The odd thing is, I'm actually starting to get used to all the hokeyness the game throws at you. It's kind of fun seeing just how far they can go with the outrageous puzzles. It's getting to the point where I'll try and think of the most illogical ways of accomplishing something.

I actually figured out to
put the stethoscope on the rain pipe to talk to Nina. And then using the fan to send items up to her.

That is funny stuff. Illogical but funny nonetheless. So I guess I'm kind of like the schizophrenic guy I mentioned above. "I love it!" No!, I hate it."
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