Thread: Three Questions
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Old 01-07-2010, 08:29 AM   #3033
Lee in Limbo
It's Hard To Be Humble
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Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. Generally, what are you more sure about: what you want, or what you don't want?
2. Are you curious about the kinds of things people say about you behind your back, or would you just rather not know?
3. What kind of character do you prefer playing in a game: one who is just like you (if not you yourself), or one who's nothing like you at all?
1. What I want, though I'm not always upfront about what it is, owing to my uncertainty as to whether I deserve it, and also whether admitting wanting it will or won't endanger the likelihood of me getting it.
2. I really don't care. I think I did when I was younger, but these days, I just assume people will think what they like, and it won't affect my life one way or another. My success and happiness are not predicated on whether lots of people like me or not.
3. I generally prefer playing characters that aren't entirely unlike me, but are different enough that I don't feel like it's too close but not correct.

Originally Posted by geggis View Post
1. Do you have a problem with people trying their hand at a specialist subject without doing their homework?
2. Should everybody write about their thoughts?
3. Why do you come on here and answer these question?
1. I think people are allowed to speak their minds, whether they are the greatest living expert on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg or just someone with Google and Wikipedia at their side. I think it's only really important to have your facts straight when you profess to be telling the 100% unvarnished truth, and anyone who entertains that conceit gets what they deserve.
2. Write about whatever you like. Words are free and ideas want to be shared. Communication is pretty much the only thing we have that can make us better and more responsible human beings. Only through hearing others' points of views can we grow and learn acceptance.
3. Mainly to entertain Squinky, but occasionally, just to throw you nice people a curve ball with my amazing simulation of brutal self-analysis and frankness. And to slip in little comments about masturbation, of course.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
?gnos a ni egassem sdrawkcab neddih etiruovaf ruoy si tahW .1
?sdrawkcab gnihtolc fo elcitra na nrow reve uoy evaH .2
?yad etisoppo ti sI .3
1. Back masking is an amusing subject, but in truth, I've never actually believed in it. That said, I seem to remember a Bloom County gag that referenced a comedic example from some fairly innocuous example like Barry Manilow or Juice Newton, because Berke Breathed liked funny names and weird paradoxes.
2. Yes, though I usually figure it out before anyone sees. Still, i think there was one incident when I was a child, but the details are hazy.
3. Not that I know of. Did I miss something?

1. Are you listening to music you enjoy or are moved be as you read this?
2. Have you played a game recently that felt extremely accessible and yet didn't feel like it was pandering to some mythical baseline audience that you feel no empathy for?
3. Have any of you played The Sims 3: World Adventures yet?
Lee Edward McImoyle,
Smashwords eBooks
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