Thread: Three Questions
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Old 12-28-2009, 01:18 PM   #3029
Lee in Limbo
It's Hard To Be Humble
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Originally Posted by MoriartyL View Post
  1. Do you prefer if people who aren't like you agree with you or disagree?
  2. Are you more often trying to get other people to do things, or doing things other people are trying to get you to do?
  3. What is the best smell whose existence you're aware of?
1. As there aren't really any people precisely like me, I find that any person agreeing with me is a pleasant surprise.
2. These days, it seems to be the latter. Before I got all caught up in being a responsible little biot, I didn't really try too hard to get people to do things my way. I just tried not to get into any situation where I couldn't walk away before anything that made me unhappy was forced on me.
3. I'd tell you, but then I'd be slapped, and I'm not feeling masochistic today. So instead I'll just say clean hair.

Originally Posted by Not A Speck Of Cereal View Post
  1. Do you have a distaste or mistrust of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test?
  2. Have you ever taken it and was totally surprised by the results?
  3. Do you suspect that you answered the questions with a thought of what you want the test initiator (your boss, your teacher) wants or expects you to say?
1. I think the Myers Briggs Type Indicator is the most accurate personality test I've ever come across. That said, I think employers shouldn't be allowed to use it to screen employees, no matter how ethical they may be in its use. No one is precisely the same as anyone else, and deciding that only certain personality types can perform certain tasks is baseless nonsense (although there are a few careers that I do believe require certain personality types to excel with ease).
2. The very first time I discovered the MBTI, I was almost afraid of how uncanny the result was. Not a 100% match, but so close that the difference really doesn't matter much. Since then, the result is always the same, no matter how different the questions are from the previous one.
3. I never lie on personality tests. Not even for fun. My sense of self is too strong to fudge details. If someone doesn't want me based on my personality type, I don't want them, either.

Originally Posted by Squinky View Post
1. Does your family perform talent shows over the holidays?
2. Does your family play contact sports over the holidays?
3. Does your family drive you nuts over the holidays?
1. No, but they do periodically decide they want to sing karaoke.
2. No, but my sister's current boyfriend is Serbian, and takes part in a soccer tournament on Christmas day.
3. A little, but this year wasn't too bad, comparatively. I was more worried about Dawn. She tends to feel uncomfortable around my family, because they drink, sometimes to excess, on holidays.

Originally Posted by MoriartyL View Post
  1. How much of your personality can be attributed to DNA, rather than upbringing?
  2. What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  3. What's the best kind of cheesecake, other than plain?
1. I'm a short man with bipolar disorder, so I have personality traits that have definitely been affected by my DNA. that said, I believe the split is at very least 50% in favour of environment over genetics, and probably more than that. We make ourselves who we are, despite genetic disposition.
2. I don't think there is such a thing as 'the worst movie'. That said, I really didn't like LXG. That was horribly disappointing.
3. I'm not a cheesecake aficionado. I like cheesecake, but I'm not fussy about flavour, so long as it's not too sweet.

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
1. Do you have a beard?
2. Who is your ideal woman/man?
3. Do you play World of Warcraft? lol
1. Yes, I wear a somewhat incomplete goatee, thanks to some Native North American blood that keeps me from growing a full beard.
2. I used to believe there was someone ideal for me. I've met a number who were so close but still didn't stay with me, so I gave up on the notion. These days, 'ideal' is anyone who loves me just as I am.
3. Yes, sporadically. I have a level 80 Dwarven Discipline/Holy Priest and a level 70 Tauren Feral Druid, amongst others. I don't take the game too seriously, but I'm a pretty good tank and an adequate healer.

Originally Posted by MoriartyL View Post
  1. How careful are you to not say the wrong thing in casual conversation?
  2. What would you do if a friend of yours was very depressed, and showed no signs of getting better despite medication?
  3. Do you have friends who you consider to be better people than you are?
1. I sometimes stick my foot in it, but I'm pretty good at clearing up my messes. That said, I do try to curb my more antagonistic impulses and try to make nice with people as much as possible, simply because I'm not very confrontational unless intensely provoked.
2. I'd suggest they talk to their therapist and get their prescription changed, and possibly start doing talk therapy. Barring that, I'd advise them to start cutting out things that make them unhappy and start focussing on things that are important to their self-esteem.
3. Not precisely, though I do admire certain of my friends immensely and wish I could do some of the things they do, or live the way they do. So, respect and envy, but not to the extent that I wish I were more like them. I just wish I could fit some of the things into my life that they do in theirs. And there are one or two friends I outright covet, but that's another matter.

1. If your partner was depressed that they didn't get what they'd wanted for Christmas, would you go out and buy it for them, even if it meant spending too much money and risking a very tight budget for the next month or two?
2. If you didn't know how your mate does certain recipes and you want to surprise them by making one of their dishes for them, would you risk getting it wrong by guessing the parts you don't remember properly, or would you scour the internet for a better idea, even if time was running out?
3. What is the oldest musician or musical ensemble/group you enjoy listening to regularly?
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