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Old 02-24-2004, 07:01 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by DomStLeger
I don't see why non-american-born citizens should be prohibited from standing. President Schwarzenegger, has a nice ring to it. I reckon the republicans may well try to amend the consitution
I'm sorry, but this just seems like a monumentally bad idea to me. It's not that I'm against immigrants or anything. In fact, I'm probably more liberal than most in that regard. I think that non-Americans probably should have more of a say in how America is run since the US, unlike any other country on the planet, has such a major effect on the rest of the world. I don't know how the details of that would be worked out, but I think it would be good if they at least had some say.

That said, I don't think people who weren't born in America should be eligible for president. I realize that Schwarzenegger is who they have specifically in mind, but you also have to think about how such an amendment might be used in the future. Just think. If this amendment had happened say 50 years ago we might be looking at President bin Laden. After all, the 9/11 terrorists lived just like any other American. They blended into society. Nobody noticed them, even when they learned how to fly without learning how to land. Now we're talking about opening up the highest office in the land to such people. All you really need to completely sabotage the entire nation is somebody who's willing to lay low for 20 years. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I don't like giving those kind of people that kind of opportunity. I want whoever is president of the United States to have a vested interest in making sure the United States turns out okay.

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