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Old 09-18-2003, 08:30 AM   #1
Tactlessly understated
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Default "Britney Spears is a whore"...

... or so the people who support the teaching of abstinence from sex in US schools say. It seems our up-until-recently-pure virgin lass - who made lip service to the campaign - is a whore. She admitted to have had sex in some magazine. I mean, she didn't have sex in some magazine, but that is where she spilled her beans.

I don't really care about the impure existence of that little belly-dancing spawn of Satan, what I do care about is the mindlessness of the whole abstinence movement.

BBC article:
Under the terms of the multi-million-dollar fund which have been made available under President Bush for abstinence education, schools and groups can only claim federal money for sex education programmes if the classes have as their "exclusive purpose" the promotion of abstinence.

They must make clear that sexual activity outside of marriage is harmful, both mentally and physically. If contraception is mentioned, it must only be in the context of its fallibility.

The state of Louisiana, for example, has abolished all programmes providing what is known as comprehensive sex education - classes which give students information about contraception and abortion in addition to encouraging them to wait before entering into a sexual relationship.

Dan Richey, state coordinator of the Louisiana Governor's Program on Abstinence, believes that telling young people about condoms and other forms of contraception increases sexual activity, and consequently increases the rate of teenage pregnancy and the transmission of sexual diseases.
This shit doesn't work. I am sick and tired of Reactionary measures. I am sick and tired of wholesome, moral people. I think it is about fucking time we take control from their impotent god-fearing hands, so I say...

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