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Old 06-20-2006, 08:48 AM   #1
Bad Influence
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Default The Case Of The Missing Corpus Callosum

I was reading a fascinating article today in Scientific American about how the large number of people getting MRI brain scans these days has revealed some interesting anomalies, one of which was that there are a significant number of people walking around who are missing their corpus callosum.
For people who are not science/medical geeks, the corpus callosum is a large structure at the base of the brain that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.
People who are missing this structure lead perfectly normal lives, although in talking to these people researchers have found that they have great difficulty in getting the point of jokes and in processing pictures as information.
As a long time fan of British television, I immediately thought of Marjorie Ledbetter, the humorless next-door neighbor in "The Good Life" ("Good Neighbors" in the US). I wonder if they'll name this condition "Ledbetter's Syndrome" in her honor?
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