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Old 06-19-2006, 11:44 PM   #1
Schoolgirl From Hell
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Default I'm Going Home Soon!

Another year has passed in Russia, and I will be leaving for home to Malaysia this Thursday. So... one... two.. three... *heaves a sigh of relief*. I can't wait to go home... into the crazy heat and lounge by the pool in our garden. I can't wait to hang out with my crazy sisters again. And I can't wait to see SJH again.

You guys do remember SJH, don't you?

Yep, folks. Don't know if I've mentioned it, but SJH is coming to Malaysia. He'll be arriving at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) three hours before me. This is great, because not only am I going home, but SJH will be there to greet me at the airport... and then the two of us will be greeted by my parents. We're both a bit nervous about the whole "meet the parents" thing. I hope everything goes well, and that SJH will have a good holiday this summer. He'll be in Malaysia for about 3 and a half weeks. We've made plans to hit all sort of hotspots in Kuala Lumpur, and that includes the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC), Central Market (for the artsy fartsy types), Masjid India (aka Little India), Chinatown, Petaling Street, a few hotzones such as IT City and IMBI Plaza to check out computer hardwares, the malls for movies, music fests such as the annual Rock The World Concert, local gigs, National Museum and perhaps the Islamic Museum. I'm planning to let SJH try out as many local cuisines as possible (Malaysia is also known as a cool eating destination), and perhaps even the durian, if he dares! Thinking of taking him to go clubbing, but no sure about how will that go, since I don't know if my friend will be back in KL (her bf knows most of the club-runners, so clubbing with them means the red-carpet treatment). Clubbing scene here is a lot better than in Russia, imho; none of those ridiculous bad techno music. So, looking forward to it.

Plus, we've also planned to go for seaside holidays and we're listing up places such as Penang, Langkawi and Tioman Island as possible beach destination. We haven't made up our minds yet. Other than that, we're planning to hit Malacca purely for a historical tour and maybe take a train down to Singapore. We thought of going to Thailand, but it seems that SJH may require a visa application, so I guess that's out.

I'm so excited! I hope SJH will get properly tanned. I hope that most of our plans will pan out.
"My life is my longest journey I wish to fulfill with my dreams..."

"Or is it I who has penetrated you?"
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