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Old 05-24-2006, 12:27 AM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Hi, Dave! Long time no see. I've not heard from Maciek in a while. I've tried contacting him but to no avail. He's a very focussed man and good project leader, a good listener and always looking for ways to better his work. I hope he see's this thread sometime!

Detalion's adventure games were always difficult, but he deliberately made them that way. He knew he was playing into that market. Even though they were "Myst clones" Maciek and his team managed to bring some incredibly dark and surreal visuals to the fold. I always loved the nightmare-dream feel of Schizm in particular, coupled with the brilliant gloomy electronica score. I personally think it's one of the finest puzzle adventures in recent years on DVD, although I needed a walkthrough. It's not an easy game by any stretch, but it's worth persevering with.

It should be noted that the acting isn't good, but Maciek was working with a tight budget on his own equiptment. Schizm 2 was a step in the right direction, Sentinel simpler but again, showcased that the company was maturing into one capable of producing incredible quality even when on a very tight, tight deadline and with little money to work with. It was created in less than a year.

Man, now I want to play them again.
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