Thread: Is this right?
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Old 02-10-2006, 02:21 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Lucien21
Is it true that Sun Tzu never existed and that "The art of war" was actually written by a bunch of unknown chinese philosophers?
My copy implies he was an actual person, a "warrior philosopher" general who compiled different literary works on the subject of many forms of warfare and mass psychology into the form of a virtual dialogue. Some people actually believe Sun Wu is simply a pseudonym for Confucius, but I don't think that's the case. It's possible he never really existed, though. The book does hint at this at certain points. Saying stuff along the lines of "be like water, with no constant shape" (can't remember the exact text off-hand, but I remember thinking to myself when I read that passage that it indicated there was no Sun Tzu).
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