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Old 12-15-2003, 04:57 AM   #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 3

ok i have it Mr. Spiky give me a little trobule :-[

Hop down the first small ledge, jump the next gap, head around the corner, hop
up a step, and go through the door. You`ll find yourself in a small chamber
with a large door, a few copies of the lightning logo around the room, and a
panel with a small recess, as if it needed something to fit in it. If you look
at this panel, Nico will suggest that perhaps `Mr. Spiky` had the key on him
before he was, ahem, stopped in his tracks. So, run all the way back there (you
can use the stairs in the previous room as a shortcut, remember), and once
you`re back in that room, stop. Don`t run straight up to him, remember, spikes?
We`re going to need to find a way to get to him to search the body. The spikes
are triggered whenever an object, or a person, touches the floor there. There
are two stone blocks in the area, push one of those over. Make sure you don`t
PULL the block, as obviously you will walk onto the spikes yourself. As soon as
the block is pushed onto the first space of spike tiling, the spikes will pop
out, and be stopped by the block, meaning you can get past, however, the dead
guy is in the middle of the SECOND set of spikes. Climb over the block so
you`re standing in the middle of the spikes, and begin pulling the block
towards the dead guy. Provided you only pushed it one space into the spike
section, you should pull it twice. Then, head back to where you came in, and
grab the second piece of stone. Push that to the first space of spike tiling,
then jump over it, and push the original stone block two spaces forward, to
trigger the second set of spikes. Hop over this crate, and search `Mr. Spiky`.
George will call out to Nico that he has found a piece of cloth with something
inside it. Open your inventory and look at the scarf, and you will discover
that in fact it is a metal plate that`s inside. Head right back to Nico (leave
the blocks as they are), and try using the plate on the recess in the panel on
the wall. The plate opens the door, so run over there. Ah, one small hitch. The
plate won`t stay in the wall. Use the plate again, and then again while the
door is opening. Unfortunately, heat energy will burn George`s hand. Grab the
plate again, use it with the recess again, and this time, use the scarf you
just got with the plate. This will enable you to hold it in place, but still,
you cannot hold it and pass through at the same time. George will automatically
ask Nico to hold it for him, and she agrees. Run on into the next chamber.
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