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Old 11-13-2005, 05:01 PM   #8
Dylan_Dog's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 122

MoriartyL, I agree with many points you mentioned (apart from the points on joystic/gamepad controls coz I only used keyboard and mouse). "PERFECT" is a relative term and varies from gamer to gamer. I for example thought that graphics were awesome, that music was awesome and that interface was superb and that the immersiveness of the story worked 100% therefore it was perfect. But dissecting and analysing all the aspects of any game or movie or song or piece of art yields criticism and somewhat-unseen flaws usually creep into existence. There is no such thing as "purely perfect".

Now, I am 21 years old, athletic, with excellent reaction time and lots of patience; relaxed person and open minded. My previous favourite games were Half-life (1 and 2), Broken Sword series, The Longest Journey, Blade Runner, and EA Fifa series and Evolution Soccer series. From this description you would gather that I am a fan of good story; i have no problems with bit of action or intense timely-reaction sequences; i love a touch of appropriate violence here and there; i am a great fan of 3rd person adventures; i like simple and elegant interface in the game; and i appreciate graphical and musical (technical) aspects of the game. So for me, this game did the trick.

As to the flaws and inconsistencies in the story, there are heaps, just like in any hollywood movie (apart from maybe Oscar-nominated films), but the story as whole did manage to immerse the player really well and keep him/her playing right through the end. So far I haven't met anyone who played the game and hasn't finished it, which ultimately for the developer is a big success.
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