Thread: Ghost stories
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Old 10-31-2005, 07:30 AM   #13
Bad Influence
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When I lived in Savannah just off Bonaventure Road, I was awakened one night by the sounds of a party in progress. The murmur of conversation, the clink of silverware on china, and the occasional ripple of laughter were clearly audible on the street outside my window. Out of curiosity, I sat up in bed and pulled aside the curtains on my window to see which of my neighbors would have such a large party so late on a week night.
Much to my surprise, my street was completely deserted and the sounds of the party immediately ceased.
When I told a friend of mine who was raised in Savannah about this, he laughed and explained that Bonaventure Road was originally the driveway that led to Bonaventure Plantation, whose main house had caught fire and burned to the ground while a dinner party was in progress. In true Savannah fashion, once the owner of the plantation was told by his servants that the fire was out of control and spreading rapidly, he had instructed his guests to grab their plates and glasses and go out on the lawn to watch the house burn down.

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