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Old 11-23-2003, 01:38 PM   #13
Revolution Fanatic
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Posts: 113

Valve have had such a huge media blackout that it's also backfired on them, people have picked apart the game and valve, well they are saying nothing! They have been in a sulk for months and there may be some signs that they have wet their bed pillow enough and have loads of bruzies from the kicking.
Also other dev's actually laugh at how childish valve have been over the affair, yes their source got stolen, but annoying fans by saying absolutely nothing just isn't good Relations.
Oh yeah look CS:CZ hasn't made it's release date, anyone actually genuinaly supurised at that one?
Look on 's current poll:
Do you trust information from Valve?

Huh?! Of course I trust them. Yes! 15%
After the CS:CZ & HL2 delays and all the Steam problems? No. 85%

Total Votes: 7969

One good bit of news for myself is my gfx has only dropped £10 from since I brought it, I rushed to buy ready for HL2 and the game got delayed. On another positive side BS3 ran PERFECTLY, it never once crashed.
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