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Old 04-21-2005, 01:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default For people who think too much....


OK, that's a big word. But then again, it is a big universe. So much in it... yet everything is connected.

Does any of this sound familiar?

I've been watching I Heart Huckabees. Possibly the craziest film I've seen in a long time, if only because even after gaining respect for the resolution, I still really can't understand what it is I've been watching.

Personally, I love this kinda movie. Jason Schwartzman is a thankfully underused genius - if I saw more of him in variable quality films then he might end up being a Jude Law. Who's suprisingly good in this, mainly as the character is suited to him for a change - a chameleon of what he thinks is considerable charm, but thought of as an utter wanker by Schwartzmans Albert.

Walhberg would be described as a "revelation" by lesser journalists for his portrayal of a frankly nutsoid Fireman, and as for Naomi Watts, she's cute in a bonnet.

This sort of film could only be made in LA. It's very similar to something Charlie Kaufman might've made, in the same way that despite the gallavanting oddness of what's happening onscreen to the protagonists it's got some kind of message. Or at least philosophising.

If anything it's taught me that we're all one with everything, but everything doesn't matter.

Or something.

Go see!
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