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Old 03-10-2005, 10:58 PM   #14
The Impostor
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Actually Intrepid, my criticism concerning style is probably not completely justified - finding an original style to write in is incredibly difficult and you'll probably never know if yours is indeed original. To me, writing seems to be stringing together clichés to express ideas and it's hard to move away from that. If you try to undo all the clichés and make new expressions, then you might lose readers; turn them off, so to speak. Anyway, if you're just treading the waters prose-wise, then you show great potential. Oh and Fairygdmother(only a 13 letter limit?), I didn't actually feel compelled to balance out the opinions - I only added that line as pseudo-excuse. I seem to feel the need to do that when I criticise (call me cowardly if you must). Basically, that style of writing in general (brilliant or not) seems to rub me up the wrong way, so I guess my opinion isn't entirely valid. And with the pretentious thing, I'll completely contradict myself: I feel that anyone engaging in any sort of artistic expression is most likely being pretentious. They do the work because they feel it's important in some way. No one, unless contractually obligated, does artistic work that's intentionally unimportant. And since all judgement in the artistic form is purely subjective, then everyone is being pretentious. After all, not everyone would find someone's work important, no matter how good it was. This a very existentialist kind of view though, things do come across as being more pretentious then others.
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