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Trunkyo 01-05-2005 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kityn_0521
I need some help here. I'm pretty sure what the missing element is but don't know how to incorporate it into the test. And the 2 walkthru's I've got aren't helping me either. :frusty:
Anyone have suggestions?
I'd really appreciate it!

Hi Kityn! :) I'll try not to be too vague with this, but here goes:

You need to enter the name of the element by spelling it ONLY with the given letters
A, B, D, F, G, H, M, R, U, X and Y (OK, that much you probably know! ;))

The English name for the element obviously won't work, so consider another language!
Think about its chemical symbol.

If you had already figured that part out, you might have been fooled by the spelling of the name! :confused: Many others who thought they knew the correct spelling may have forgotten one letter! (Unfortunately, some walkthroughs I've seen have spelled the name incorrectly too! :pan: ) If you're still stuck...
...the letter you're probably missing is another 'R'! :eek:

Hope this helps,

Kityn_0521 01-06-2005 07:39 AM

Hi Trunkyo
Thanks for your's just that they're not working.
I know the missing element is:
Mercury, and I know it's symbol is Hg. I also know it's full name is "hydragyrum".

What I don't get is where I need the extra letter. I recieved the spelling not only from my walktrhu sites but from several other sites (talking about the elements and their table, etc.)
Please tell me if this is or isn't the correct spelling. (and if it isn't where do I need the extra letter)
Thanks again for your help. :)


Originally Posted by Trunkyo
Hi Kityn! :) I'll try not to be too vague with this, but here goes:

You need to enter the name of the element by spelling it ONLY with the given letters
A, B, D, F, G, H, M, R, U, X and Y (OK, that much you probably know! ;))

The English name for the element obviously won't work, so consider another language!
Think about its chemical symbol.

If you had already figured that part out, you might have been fooled by the spelling of the name! :confused: Many others who thought they knew the correct spelling may have forgotten one letter! (Unfortunately, some walkthroughs I've seen have spelled the name incorrectly too! :pan: ) If you're still stuck...
...the letter you're probably missing is another 'R'! :eek:

Hope this helps,

Trunkyo 01-06-2005 08:31 AM

The "MISSING" letter :D
Hi again, Kityn!

I'm glad you did get as far I thought you did! :D

As I said before, many people (at this forum and other adventure gaming forums) were stumped by Isy too, because they thought they entered the correct answer and it didn't work! :frusty: I won't go into a debate into which spelling of the word is more "acceptable" or "correct" since this isn't the place to do this, the arguments for either would make you :crazy:!
Walkthroughs for IM/MISSING should at least use the spelling accepted by the game...

The point is, the game will only accept one answer, which is...
hydrargyrum, as opposed to "hydragyrum".

Good luck with the rest of the game! ;)

Kityn_0521 01-06-2005 05:04 PM

Thank you very much!
It worked! :D :D :D

Originally Posted by Trunkyo
Hi again, Kityn!

I'm glad you did get as far I thought you did! :D

As I said before, many people (at this forum and other adventure gaming forums) were stumped by Isy too, because they thought they entered the correct answer and it didn't work! :frusty: I won't go into a debate into which spelling of the word is more "acceptable" or "correct" since this isn't the place to do this, the arguments for either would make you :crazy:!
Walkthroughs for IM/MISSING should at least use the spelling accepted by the game...

The point is, the game will only accept one answer, which is...
hydrargyrum, as opposed to "hydragyrum".

Good luck with the rest of the game! ;)

no one 01-13-2005 05:29 AM

Ok, so, I'm almost done with this game and I'm on Lachori, where you look at slides and rearrange a crest to color it correctly. I read a post that stated a patch was needed to get by this stage, but what I downloaded from ubisoft messed up my game. I saved my profile, but had to delete and reinstall the game. What patch should I be using, exactly? :confused: :pan:

no one 01-13-2005 06:39 PM

Ok, I got it figured out. No patch was needed. I only had to pay more attention to the shield :shifty:

fov 01-13-2005 09:35 PM

Glad you were able to figure it out. Welcome to the forum, by the way. :)


jteckmann 02-22-2005 11:32 AM

***question about Lachori deleted by poster****

- Never mind my question ... like no one, I just wasn't paying enough attention! Argh, that little misstep wasted hours of my time ....

jteckmann 02-25-2005 08:08 AM

Question about the end of the game:

It's been about 5 days since I beat the game. After defeating Phoenix, one of the last e-mails mentions that the "police will soon release a sketch of Phoenix." Do we ever get to see this picture? I've gone back to a few of the important game websites and run google searches, but nothing. I also don't see any mention of the sketch in the walkthroughs ...

I was hoping there'd be at least something more (I always suspected that Gery (fe256) would turn out to be Phoenix) .. but the way the game ended, IMHO, was pretty lame ...

fov 02-25-2005 08:14 AM

Welcome to the forum, jteckmann! *D Glad you figured out what to do.

I haven't reached the end of this game so I can't answer your question. You might get a better response if you post the question in the Adventure forum - just use spoiler tags, exactly like you did here.

:) emily

RLacey 02-25-2005 01:52 PM


That's it, I'm afraid. No picture. And Ubisoft seem loathed to release the expansion pack in English...

PennyLane 05-09-2005 04:19 AM

Thank you!

Originally Posted by no one
Ok, I got it figured out. No patch was needed. I only had to pay more attention to the shield :shifty:

Thank you! I got the same problem, searched through the net for some explanation on bad patch installation.. hahaha... stupid I am :D
Your post got me through the game.
Pay more attention to details!!

Debbie 05-26-2005 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by BacardiJim
I've just completed In Memoriam and I am completely willing to help. I was forced to use the shaamaan site once, as I couldn't understand how one arrived at the number 77. (Even after seeing the walkthrough it didn't help me understand the solution... until it came to me in my sleep that night.)

Look for the one-and-only North American review of IM here soon!

Hi Bacardi Jim!
I need some help on do you move the dial around so you get the first part of the puzzle! 2. how do you decode the talisman to get the answer in Phu and 3. how do make the pattern of the sun on the 1st part of the astral images in Pepisoth? any hint you can give me would help!
Debbie :frusty:

Debbie 05-27-2005 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by bytch
Has anyone had problems regarding not receiving emails? I've nearly finished the game and haven't yet had a single email! I thought you where supposed to receive regular emails from skl?

I haven't received an e-mail in ages...wish I knew what to do about it!

unclewilly69 06-20-2005 06:17 AM

The Last Zocha Puzzle

Originally Posted by BacardiJim
I've just completed In Memoriam and I am completely willing to help. I was forced to use the shaamaan site once, as I couldn't understand how one arrived at the number 77. (Even after seeing the walkthrough it didn't help me understand the solution... until it came to me in my sleep that night.)

Look for the one-and-only North American review of IM here soon!

We need help beating the last of the Zocha puzzles. I can get the square all the way to the end with a pretty full bar, but absolutely can't get it into the circle. It seems almost impossible. If anyone has any helpful hints or suggestions, my blood pressure would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you! :crazy:

gnaja 07-01-2005 10:28 AM

Phu Puzzle
Ok I was pretty sure I had the numbers correct but apparently I don't so anyone who could help that would be great thank you.

LeisureSuitedLooney 07-01-2005 02:11 PM

I LOVE this thread!! Inspired me to try to finish the game after giving up in frustration many moons ago...

My main problem pertains to the maze puzzle with the ball on a string. How many levels are there? Every time I think I'm finished, I get thrown into ANOTHER maze.... Hitting those walls is driving me looney...and reminding me why I gave up in the first place, lol.

Sally 07-02-2005 08:15 PM

Hello, I bought Missing a couple weeks ago on a whim and I love it so far, but I've seem to hit a snag that's really frustrating me no matter how many walkthrough guides I have with me.

It's the one with the bug on the treadmill (looks like EVERYONE'S having trouble with that one, :lol: ) For the treadmill on the right, when I go to grab the second pill, the stupid bug runs away no matter how far away I keep my mouse from it! :frusty: I've tried exiting and re-entering the puzzle to try again, but no avail.

I hope I don't have to download a patch for this... :/

zhoya 07-15-2005 11:58 AM

Hi everyone. I've been playing IM for about a week now and I've finally reached the final stage (I think :P ) but it won't let me continue! I'm having the same problem as Ou812 back on page 4 and figured I'd try his solution. Could someone pleeeeeeaaaase email me the following files as they show up as 0kb on my PC and they're giving me cyclic redundancy errors when I try to copy them off the installation CD:


They're located in the Media\Dir\Cst directory.

My email address is [email protected]

Thanks in advance, I would really appreciate this!

Raide 09-01-2005 12:06 PM

What is going on with this bug? I've tried all the combinations on this thread and in the walk through but only get 8 on each treadmill. If you move slowly and don't touch the bug it doesn't run away so I got over that but like I said the only number the bug gets is 8. It's driving me made I can't bare to try any more I've been at it for an hour.

Raide 09-01-2005 12:12 PM

Done it
Never mind my last thread as I typed it came to me so am past it now.

browsermix 09-05-2005 09:20 AM

Ouphist & Sothier

Originally Posted by BacardiJim
I've just completed In Memoriam and I am completely willing to help. I was forced to use the shaamaan site once, as I couldn't understand how one arrived at the number 77. (Even after seeing the walkthrough it didn't help me understand the solution... until it came to me in my sleep that night.)

Look for the one-and-only North American review of IM here soon!

I hope you can help me with these two. I had to check the walkthrough for the answer for ouphist. I found all the way to the site that had Kasim Sari Kulic- Istanbul but I couldn't figure out how they came to the answer 185053. Can you tell me. Also, in Sothir, I converge the lights above Agim Sophia and nothing happens

browsermix 09-05-2005 09:33 AM

agia sophia."[/spoiler]

Originally Posted by Jen
I had good luck with Agia Sophia by
making all of the dots touch the dashed line just to the right of the words "agia sophia."

On the Vari puzzle, the object is
to isolate a certain sound by turning off all of the other sounds.

Ok, I give....How is it done? It's driving me crazy.........and how do you get them to move and stay where you want them to???????????


creagan 09-14-2005 07:58 AM

Agia Sophia
I am still stuck on this puzzle. Is there a special way to move the circles in order to get them into the dotted area?

Priest 10-08-2005 07:58 PM

Ok, I am at the second level of Terra now and still have NOT received ANY emails.

I just purchased this game on Thursday (Oct. 6, 2005) and installed it. When it would not connect to the server to register my username, I then installed the Patch, and it worked fine. I did then receive the email with my password but have not received any emails since then! I have checked my SPAM filters and folders, the emails were simply not sent (so it seems).

I have tried emailing their support without luck or any response in 3 days! It's killing me. I can still play the game but I feel like I am missing out on a huge part of the story, and even more importantly, the ability to get "swept up" into the game.


fov 12-03-2005 06:40 PM

To the last few posters - sorry no one was able to help you.

I think this thread has become too long for its own good, so I'm going to close it. Anyone who has new questions about Missing / In Memoriam, please start a new thread.

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