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Catbert 11-13-2004 01:32 PM

Well those might be kinda hard to get nowadays, no? I mean I can try and order a few from amazon, but in all honesty most of them would only be found in illegal networks, I guess. Something more recent please :P

Tabbu 11-13-2004 01:35 PM

and here's site that is mainly about (survival) horror games:

vansau 11-13-2004 03:04 PM

Both of the Fatal Frame games are quite good. The Suffering (even though it's more of an action game) is extremely creepy and well-done, plus it has 3 different endings based on your actions throughout the story. There's an older action-adventure title called "Nocturne" that is really cool and has an awesome premise. They actually continued the story in the first Blair Witch game, which was a great deal of fun. The other two titles in the series really weren't that impressive.
While they aren't really that impressive anymore, the Alone in the Dark series are kinda cool also.

ADVENTURE-RAIDER 11-15-2004 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Catbert
Well those might be kinda hard to get nowadays, no? I mean I can try and order a few from amazon, but in all honesty most of them would only be found in illegal networks, I guess. Something more recent please :P

Illegal networks? :confused: I don't know what that's supposed to mean... Anyway, you can find all of the games I mentioned on eBAY. Actually you can find any game you want on eBAY or on other auction sites like Yahoo Auctions and UBID. Also you can try CD-ACCESS and TRADING ZONE. And as far as I know all these sites are legal and the merchandise sold or being up for auction on these sites is legal.

Catbert 11-15-2004 09:58 AM

Man, that was a stupid remark of me. Make that "utilizing a legal network for illegal ends". Like Bittorrent, ed2k, etc. eBay is kinda out for me, as I don't own a credit card of my own and wouldn't start bidding like that :P

TM3 11-20-2004 12:32 PM

The first Silent Hill is the definition of scary. But it’s got pretty badly written dialogue and the characters don’t act really “believable.” Bu the atmosphere is great and the music just makes it even creepier. Plus you got love those abominations that come after you!

Catbert 11-20-2004 12:43 PM

Well call off the search. I found THE game and its name is Vampire: The Masquerade- Bloodlines. Damn scary.

brain_addict 11-21-2004 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Veil
the totally underrated and relatively unknown fps/adventure hybrid

Realms of the Haunting!!! (Bloody Brilliant)

Wow, I just looked this game up on MobyGames after you mentioned it...,2/gameId,1418/

It looks really interesting. Can you tell me anything more about it? I've been looking for a 3D FPS-style adventure game. Is there much combat in it?

brain_addict 11-21-2004 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by vansau
The Suffering (even though it's more of an action game) is extremely creepy and well-done, plus it has 3 different endings based on your actions throughout the story.

The Suffering was a really great game marred by really repetitive combat. But the storyline was outstanding. One of the few examples I can think of where a videogame successfully managed to embody a philosophical theme, albeit a really depressing one: that human beings are mostly crappy.

LeisureSuitedLooney 11-21-2004 06:33 AM

If you don't mind text adventures, try The Lurking Horror. Very strange game.

As far as graphical adventures go, I've enjoyed Shivers(1 more than 3), The Black Mirror, The Phantasmagoria games, The Gabriel Knight trilogy, and Ripper.

For scary, or just plain entertaining non-adventure supernatural games, I liked The Thing, Clive Barker's Undying, American McGee's Alice, Vampire: The Masquerade-Redemption, Alone In the Dark: The New Nightmare, and Ghost Master.

MDMaster 11-21-2004 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by brain_addict
It looks really interesting. Can you tell me anything more about it? I've been looking for a 3D FPS-style adventure game. Is there much combat in it?

Yes, there is much combat in ROTH, mainly because the game usually puts you against 3/4 hard opponents and you gotta use the 'hit & run' technique, otherwise you're left for dead.

Anyway I found the plot interesting enough, the acting is decent and the graphics do their work for a 1996 doom-style engine. I didn't much like the sound, either you get a good composer for midis or you're better off with no music. All in all a good game if you're looking for something along the lines of a 3D Fps-style adventure game, you can find it at very low prices on eBay.

Also I would recommend you try Clive Barker's Undying, not an adventure FPS but a very good 'alternative' FPS.

SamandMax 11-21-2004 11:23 PM

Silent Hill 2 is my favourite horror game, although you have to play it alone in the dark, or it loses all of it's fear. I've always found the Gabriel Knight 1 scary too, it was disturbing because it had a sense of realism to it.

MDMaster 11-22-2004 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by SamandMax
Silent Hill 2 is my favourite horror game, although you have to play it alone in the dark,

Why do you have to play Alone in The Dark before Silent Hill 2? Are they related in some way? :confused:

(J/K) :D

dnldnl 11-22-2004 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by vansau
There's an older action-adventure title called "Nocturne" that is really cool and has an awesome premise. They actually continued the story in the first Blair Witch game, which was a great deal of fun. The other two titles in the series really weren't that impressive.
While they aren't really that impressive anymore, the Alone in the Dark series are kinda cool also.

I agree, Nocturne, and especially Blair Witch Project: Rustin Parr were among the best action/adventure horror games I've played. If you liked RE, you'd probably these two.

CrimsonBlue 11-22-2004 01:15 PM

the good old days:

Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (best one from Horrorsoft)
Elivra 2 - Jaws of Cerberus (worst one from Horrorsoft)
Waxworks (middle one from Horrorsoft)
Eye of the Beholder series was kinda scary
Darkseed was definately scary
Forbidden Forest (on the C64) was a bit scary too
Black Crypt (EOTB style) was pretty scary too, in the same was as Eye of the Beholder
Alone in the Dark 1-3 is supposed to be scary

oh, The Secret of Monkey Island is pretty scary inside the Monkey head :p

the mediocre present:
Silent Hill (the first one being the best)
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (pretty scary someplaces)
The Suffering
Project Zero (Fatal Frame). Didn't like that myself - the whole "use your camera to capture the soul of the ghosts" made it into a comedy, couldn't take it seriously. One of the games that made me feel ashamed to be a gameplayer. Especially because it was presented in a serious fashion. Give me shotguns and/or knives anyday.

I think Resident Evil 4 will be a great comeback. Never really liked the series at all though, except Resi 2 for a bit. I found Silent Hill to be much more intriguing.

Kolorabi 11-23-2004 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by brain_addict
The Suffering was a really great game marred by really repetitive combat.

I haven't played the game for more than a few hours (due to other games getting in the way - first it was Doom 3 and now it's Half-Life 2), but so far I'm really enjoying it. The devs are using a lot of really interesting techniques to make it scary, and there's tons of stuff to see.

Europeans can order the game from, where it costs £12.99 for the PC (they have the console versions too, but they're far more expensive). Well worth the money.

PS2-owners shoult really try Forbidden Siren (or just Siren, depending on where you live). It's definitely one of the scariest games I've ever played.

There's also Obscure (known as Mortifilia in some parts of the world...), which is really cool in two-player mode.

Mimus 11-23-2004 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Veil
the totally underrated and relatively unknown fps/adventure hybrid

Realms of the Haunting!!! (Bloody Brilliant)

Agreed. Great game. I've still got a boxed copy on my shelves at home
:) tbh I don't think it's aged too well though...

Intrepid Homoludens 11-23-2004 02:18 AM
The original Silent Hill.
Silent Hill 2.
Silent Hill 3.

Oh definitely the original Silent Hill (but the Silent Hill series in general). IMO, it trumps most scary/horror games in terms of sheer atmosphere and sustained mood. Many times it's the tension that keeps you on edge, when you can hear the enemies before you even see them. And the games look magnificent, as you can see above. Plus a lot of the puzzles are as wicked (if not more so) as the trickiest adventure game puzzles.

Ariel Type 11-23-2004 07:44 AM

Pffff, everyone knows "Shadow of the Comet" is the best horror adventure game, no?
Also "Dark Eye" based on Poe's novels is almost a masterpiece.

brain_addict 11-23-2004 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kolorabi
I haven't played [the suffering] for more than a few hours (due to other games getting in the way - first it was Doom 3 and now it's Half-Life 2), but so far I'm really enjoying it. The devs are using a lot of really interesting techniques to make it scary, and there's tons of stuff to see..

Yeah, I think the Suffering is one of the most underrated games of the year. It's got a great storyline and creates one of the best environments i've ever encountered. Adding the touches of choosing whether your character will be morally good or bad is icing on the cake. Apparently, the developers have a secret project in the works that i'm anxiously awaiting...

Here in Canada the game is only like $24.99 new. The best deal out there, as far as I'm concerned...


Originally Posted by Kolorabi
PS2-owners shoult really try Forbidden Siren (or just Siren, depending on where you live). It's definitely one of the scariest games I've ever played..

Another awesome game, but one of the hardest I've ever played. The controls are awful. You're basically trying to do stealth a la Splinter Cell or Hitman but with the control scheme of Resident Evil... ugh. But the story is so in-depth and the atmosphere is just perfect. Wasn't this designed by the originator of the SIlent Hill series?

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