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Intrepid Homoludens 02-05-2010 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jazhara7 (Post 538017)
Overall, I greatly enjoy the game.

Jaz, what do you think of the tears? The characters expressing themselves through tears?

There was a moment, for example, at the denouement of Thane's personal side quest. For a few seconds there were no words exchanged at all. The entire emotionality of that scene was concentrated in those tears streaming down a character's face.

booB 02-05-2010 11:14 AM

Trep, you're way too focused on the tears. Start shooting stuff!!!!!! :)

Intrepid Homoludens 02-05-2010 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by booB (Post 538057)
Trep, you're waaaay too focused on the tears. Start shooting stuff!!!!!! :)

;) Good man, how do you think I got to those tears?

Intrepid Homoludens 02-05-2010 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jazhara7 (Post 538017)
Also, am I the only one who got tears in their eyes when exploring the wreck of the old Normandy? I really was close to crying when reading Pressly's Journal. I miss the old bugger. ;(

Just finished the Normandy Crash Site myself. Surprised myself by tearing up and feeling a lump in my throat. If there is one thing that really tugs at you from the having played the first game, it's this.

Jazhara7 02-06-2010 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens (Post 538054)
Jaz, what do you think of the tears? The characters expressing themselves through tears?

There was a moment, for example, at the denouement of Thane's personal side quest. For a few seconds there were no words exchanged at all. The entire emotionality of that scene was concentrated in those tears streaming down a character's face.

I think it's rather well done. Sometimes you don't need words to express something.

Also, the whole mimic has much improved since ME1, I think. No freaky Kaidan smile any longer. :P


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens (Post 538078)
Just finished the Normandy Crash Site myself. Surprised myself by tearing up and feeling a lump in my throat. If there is one thing that really tugs at you from the having played the first game, it's this.


- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Intrepid Homoludens 02-06-2010 01:17 AM OMG I LOVE Mordin! I just wanna grab him and run away!


Originally Posted by Jazhara7 (Post 538083)
I think it's rather well done. Sometimes you don't need words to express something.

It's just like in the movies. :7


Thanks! Needed that.

Fantasysci5 02-06-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens (Post 538087)

I haven't played this, but I have to agree! He looks adorable!!! :D

Jazhara7 02-06-2010 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Fantasysci5 (Post 538113)
I haven't played this, but I have to agree! He looks adorable!!! :D

Mordin is awesome. Also, he sings Gilbert and Sullivan. ^^

- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Intrepid Homoludens 02-06-2010 06:41 PM
Jack became a beacon for us, for all humanity and for all species.

Finished the game this morning. It kept me up all night and I thought I was gonna get some sleep. If you hadn't finished it get ready for some awesome cutscenes involving a space fight with the Collector ship. Nicely done.

*SPOILER* (highlight to read)

My favourite in-game sequence once we entered the Omega 4 relay was when I chose one of my biotic mates to hold a huge mass effect bubble to keep those pesky bugs away as we forged onward. I love how it was done! I chose Jack to do it. It was incredible watching her walk slowly with the blue glow from her hands help up, her tattooed body a beacon in a strange way, made it feel magnificently cinematic yet very immediate. That was THE scene where I was in complete awe of how this game was done. I chose Legion and Samara for my final infiltration team. We were damn tight as one magnificently formidable unit.

In the final boss fight
it took me a minute to realize the connection between it and what Tali would say earlier: "Go for the optics!" So I continuously shot Warp into the embryo's eyes.

Also, all my people survived. I made sure of it by having everyone loyal to me and outfitting them with the best weapons and upgrades money can buy.

I'm ready to start a new game soon soon.

hild 02-06-2010 07:16 PM

I was surprised myself that

I was able to beat it with no one dying. It is worth having Miranda in your party at the end when The Illusive man asks you to keep the base for research. When the illusive man orders miranda to stop shepard she will basically say, here is my resignation and hang up on him. I was a little disappointed with the last boss though he seemed kind of cheesy.

While I love the game I wish there were more rpg elements in it. Since I kind of miss the inventory, the weapons, and armor elements from the first game.

Intrepid Homoludens 02-06-2010 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by hild (Post 538144)
I was surprised myself that

I was able to beat it with no one dying. It is worth having Miranda in your party at the end when The Illusive man asks you to keep the base for research. When the illusive man orders miranda to stop shepard she will basically say, here is my resignation and hang up on him. I was a little disappointed with the last boss though he seemed kind of cheesy.

I might try that on my next playthrough. BTW, when I spoke to Samara after defeating the final boss it was quite a touching moment. I love Samara.


While I love the game I wish there were more rpg elements in it. Since I kind of miss the inventory, the weapons, and armor elements from the first game.
I really didn't miss it. I was so engrossed in the story and the characters that it didn't matter to me.

Intrepid Homoludens 02-06-2010 09:16 PM

Here ya go. Commander Otterley Shepard, master biotic, hero of all humanity and other critters in the galaxy. Yeah, she is my canonical Shepard from the first game and since she survived the battle with the Collectors she'll continue on with the epic story in Mass Effect 3.

LOL, now that I compare her to a pic of me, figures I'd subconsciously make her have my facial features, including the high cheekbones. But she has hair (I'm shaved up there) and her eyes are a glowing emerald green. Sorry for the lack of quality in the pic, took it straight off my HDTV screen with my iPhone.

BerserkerTails 02-07-2010 12:28 PM

Just finished, with everyone surviving and Commander Shepard ready for Mass Effect 3. Excellent game, and worth playing for anyone who loves amazingly well-written characters.

I might get flamed to high heaven here, but I think this game was better written than any pure adventure game I've ever played.

Roper Klacks 02-07-2010 02:51 PM

Finished yesterday, after 35 hours.

Well, i loved it. I liked how Bioware did something different with the story. ME1 was an epic tale about a person saving the galaxy. ME2 moves away from the tipical epic tale and moves to a more intimate and personal vision of Shepard's story. We can say that ME1 was a story driven game and ME2 is definitly a character driven game.

And what fantastic characters they were. All of shepard's companions are so well written and realistic, i was so nervous in the final mission hoping no one would die.
Unfortunatly Jack didn't make it :\

Talking about Jack, i really liked her, what seemed like a cliched and boring character (her trailers and videos before game release were just awful) transformed to a very deep and confused woman that needed a bit of love and attention.
Her loyalty mission was great, all those terrible memories and that creepy lab :(

Grunt was definitely my least favourite, i couldn't understand his hunger for violence. His mission was meh... too much combat. I liked seeing Wrex again though.

Thane was awesome, a gentleman in a wild and crazy galaxy.
His last wish was finding and saving his son from the world he lives. It can be heartbreaking. I really enjoyed his loyalty mission (oh and Captain Bailey was a nice bloke).

Samara had the best mission of them all. Her confrontation with her daughter was sad.

Zaeed was meh... its a DLC character and it shows. It had some nice tense moments with Shepard in his mission though.

Mordin is great. It had some of the funniest moments in the game like that musical moment and his sexual education class :D

Tali was... wow! She grown so much compared with the first game, and she's so adorable. Her mission was fantastic, the trial remind me of Kotor,
and her breakdown when finds her father was so sad. S
he was my Shepard's love interest (lovely moment when Shepard takes out her mask)

Garrus, like Tali is from the first game, so we didn't need to learn his personality. I always liked him and i feel like he is Shepards best friend (alongside Joker of course). If Shepard ever gets married, Garrus will be his best man :D His loyalty mission was ok, it ended really well.

Miranda was... ok. At the begining she reminded me a bit of Morrigan from Dragon Age, however they are really not that similar. She's damn hot so i was ready to romanticize her, but she's not really that interesting compared to Tali. Her mission was pretty weak, however
i did like her face expression when she meets her sister.

Jacob had one of the most interesting loyalty mission stories, however it wasn't one of my favourite characters.

Legion was awesome. Loved all the revelations he had about the Geth behaviour and organization, as well as some Reapers insight. Loved his voice. His mission was not that interesting, however it had a really difficult dilema in the end.

I mentioned all loyalty missions because i think those were the best parts of the game. They were really well made, even better than most major missions. The secondary missions were a lot better than ME1's, the major ones were ok, but never reached the brilliance of the last ME1 part (Virmire-Illos-citadel).

Worst part of the game is definitly the last boss battle. It was cheap, badly design and visualy ridiculous. Really... boss battles is a relic of the past, they are not needed, especially in strong narrative games.

AndreaDraco83 02-07-2010 04:02 PM

I haven't read your comments, Roper, because I've yet to play the game (and still unsure whether I should or not), but... wow, I hand't idea there were so many characters/companions!

hild 02-07-2010 05:47 PM

I keep wanting to make a male shepard so I can romance tali, but my problem is not associating him with canon shepard they advertise everywhere. Even in the first Mass Effect I was never able to finish the game with Maleshep. Though on my femshep I decided just to stay faithful to Liara.

Jazhara7 02-08-2010 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens (Post 538141)

In the final boss fight
it took me a minute to realize the connection between it and what Tali would say earlier: "Go for the optics!" So I continuously shot Warp into the embryo's eyes.

Also, all my people survived. I made sure of it by having everyone loyal to me and outfitting them with the best weapons and upgrades money can buy.

I'm ready to start a new game soon soon.

Actually, that was a thing she shouts at her combat drone, throughout the game. It's a reference to Baldur's Gate, namely the ranger Minsc shouting at his Miniature Giant Space Hamster Boo, "Go for the Eyes, Boo! Go for the Eyes!".

(The drone is called Chikktika vas Paus, which is also a reference to Baldur's Gate 2, namely to the god Baervan Wildwanderer, worshipped by Aerie, whose raccoon familiar is called Chikkitika Fastpaws.)

Personally, I was shooting at the mouth, so I guess it either had multiple weak spots, or it didn't really matter where you shot, as long as your weapon packed a good punch (like my collector particle beam)

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Fantasysci5 02-08-2010 07:43 AM

I heard from a friend about a really tetious "mini game", where you have to mine for minerals on a planet. He has the XBox version, but he says you have to hold down the right trigger, and it takes seriously up to 20 minutes. What do you guys think of this mining mini game? Is it really that horrible?

Jazhara7 02-08-2010 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Fantasysci5 (Post 538274)
I heard from a friend about a really tetious "mini game", where you have to mine for minerals on a planet. He has the XBox version, but he says you have to hold down the right trigger, and it takes seriously up to 20 minutes. What do you guys think of this mining mini game? Is it really that horrible?

Not on the PC, really. It takes about five minutes, at most, if you really want to deplete the planet of resources. And usually you don't have to do that.

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

booB 02-08-2010 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Jazhara7 (Post 538275)
Not on the PC, really. It takes about five minutes, at most, if you really want to deplete the planet of resources.

Well, it's good to hear that Shepard is joining the Green movement... :P

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