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TiAgUh 12-15-2007 03:00 PM

Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII
New Trailers:

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

seems they're back to a more futuristic style like VII or VIII, which is great imo..

Versus looks cool :P kinda surprised when i saw blood, cant remember seeing blood since VII.

enjoy :)

Terramax 12-15-2007 05:38 PM

These games look like a joke. Random scenes of people spining around killing and destroying pretty much mindlessly.

And still that stupid androdynous look on blokes. When I bought Final Fantasy 7-9 the style seemed so unique and neutral. Now it's just silly anime tosh.

This is the exact reason I stopped playing Japanese RPGs and turned to adventures.

TiAgUh 12-15-2007 06:45 PM

you dont even know whats the story about you really think its all about


(...) people spining around killing and destroying pretty much mindlessly.
?? :crazy: FF 8 trailer was also about people fighting, explosions (with some dancing yeah :shifty: ) spaceships and missiles and whatever.

9 style was unique? hum ok.

JemyM 12-23-2007 02:53 AM

Terramax comment is just nonsense.

The FF series have always had a massive focus on anime-style superhero combat with over-the-edge supermoves as well as killing hordes of monsters to grind up levels. When it comes to style FF7-9 is no different from FF10-12 or FF6, they are all unique productions with their own unique design. FFIX is perhaps the least unique but on the other hand it's my favorite in the series.

What makes the FF games have always been the great storylines and well presented characters. Often the games deal with the tough challenges that face us humans depending on who we are, what others expect from us and what we try to be. Theese personal tales are often as exciting as the main plot. FFXII fell short in developing it's characters, but when I compare with the rest of the games 2006, I cannot come up with a single adventure or rpg that was equally solid and well produced in story and game mechanics. Yes, that includes Oblivion which I really feel is overrated since it's just a beautiful engine with horrible RPG mechanics, no story and no interesting NPC's. Gothic 3 and NWN2 was decent but incomplete.

I look forward to FFXIII, but im not sure about Versus which seem to not be a RPG.

TiAgUh 12-23-2007 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by JemyM (Post 453411)
I look forward to FFXIII, but im not sure about Versus which seem to not be a RPG.

I remember reading somewhere that it would be like Kingdom Hearts.


The game is directed and designed by Tetsuya Nomura, who previously directed and designed the Kingdom Hearts series(...)
Very little information regarding the design or plot of the game has been revealed as yet, although Square Enix representatives have stated that it will be primarily action-oriented and may be the darkest Final Fantasy yet.
hmm well ... yeah, or maybe will be like Crisis Core (?)

Terramax 12-23-2007 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by TiAgUh (Post 452483)
?? :crazy: FF 8 trailer was also about people fighting, explosions (with some dancing yeah :shifty: )

It's called a montage. Look it up.


Terramax comment is just nonsense.

The FF series have always had a massive focus on anime-style superhero combat with over-the-edge supermoves as well as killing hordes of monsters to grind up levels.
FF7 didn't have any FMVs that took absolutely ages with mindless battles. None of what I can remember. They were all cleverly integrated into the story.

FF8 on the other hand did have one battle where the main character is flying on a ship as the background has some war going on, but I believe this was integrated into the gameplay also.

Although I don't think I got further than half of the 2nd disc, I couldn't find any 'epic' battles in FF9.


When it comes to style FF7-9 is no different from FF10-12 or FF6, they are all unique productions with their own unique design.
But they're NOT. They're all look exactly the same. Never played FF6, but 7, 8 & 9 appeared to differentiate one another with their graphic style, settings and stories.

FF7 = Steampunk, FF8 = modern sci-fi mixed with European military, FF9 = medieval elements.

You've all completely misread and misinterpreted my first post. I said it's all the same. Shelling out money for the same redrawn pretty boys, dumba**e, schmaltzy love triangles and stupid over-the-top battles. “Well presented characters”. That’s the most nonsense on this thread.

Fair enough, 2 or 3 like each other is ok I guess. But we're coming up to 13 in the main series, not including all these spin-offs, the amount of money and acclaim these guys have and they still can't be bothered to do something different.

And the characters aren't that well presented anymore either. There's very little depth to half of them. I've never found anything relatable to any of the latest instalments.

My whole point is the series has become a repetitive, subdued anime mess.
Like Anime in general.

JemyM 12-23-2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Terramax (Post 453428)
FF7 didn't have any FMVs that took absolutely ages with mindless battles. None of what I can remember. They were all cleverly integrated into the story.
FF8 on the other hand did have one battle where the main character is flying on a ship as the background has some war going on, but I believe this was integrated into the gameplay also.
Although I don't think I got further than half of the 2nd disc, I couldn't find any 'epic' battles in FF9.

The storylines have always been the strength of the FF series and the main reason to play them. This have often meant long and deep cutscenes, FF7 being no less than the rest.

Every FF game have been epic in scale, and they all have several large key battles important to the story in which the characters play an important part. In theese epic battles there are both clashes between cultures and clashes against huge monstrous entities (monsters that often symbolising something great and important, such as the Weapons of the World in FF7, Sin in FFX, the Eidolons in FF9 etc). FFXII is the only game in the series in which the clash of civilizations plays a greater role than the characters personal storylines, something which was the cause of lots of criticism and something the developers have promised to make sure is not repeated in XIII.

"Gameplay" is a word that can mean a lot of different things. While the FF series have been innovative with it's RPG mechanics, they have never put much focus on customability and party tactics (compared with games like Baldurs Gate and Wizardry 8). Usually grinding is the key to beating the tougher opponents, except for the optional battles which are the only ones requiring you to really think about what you are doing. You never really had a chance to actually change the game either, not even in FF7. Compare this with games like Jade Empire and Vampire: Bloodlines which have a whole sea of alternate endings depending on your choices.


Originally Posted by Terramax (Post 453428)
But they're NOT. They're all look exactly the same. Never played FF6, but 7, 8 & 9 appeared to differentiate one another with their graphic style, settings and stories.
FF7 = Steampunk, FF8 = modern sci-fi mixed with European military, FF9 = medieval elements.


Originally Posted by Terramax (Post 453428)
You've all completely misread and misinterpreted my first post. I said it's all the same. Shelling out money for the same redrawn pretty boys, dumba**e, schmaltzy love triangles and stupid over-the-top battles. “Well presented characters”. That’s the most nonsense on this thread.
Fair enough, 2 or 3 like each other is ok I guess. But we're coming up to 13 in the main series, not including all these spin-offs, the amount of money and acclaim these guys have and they still can't be bothered to do something different.
And the characters aren't that well presented anymore either. There's very little depth to half of them. I've never found anything relatable to any of the latest instalments.
My whole point is the series has become a repetitive, subdued anime mess.
Like Anime in general.

FF6 is about the clash between magic and science, old and new, the machines and the spiritual world.
FF7 is indeed about steampunk, but there's more about it than that. In FF7 the planet itself have a life, the lifesource. The "Weapons" which you face, for example, are the worlds own soldiers. FF7 rise questions about what responsibilities we have to the planet itself and to protect it from harm. It questions exploiting the planets resources for power and profit when you might end up killing it and yourself in the process.
FF8 are just as you say sci-fi mixed with European military, but it's also a tale about romance and love and a "highschool drama".
FF9 takes the series back to it's roots. It's actually the only game from FF6 and beyond that is like the first five games, with black mages, white mages and epic fantasy. But FF9 is also about the difficulties of finding yourself. In FF9 each of the main characters struggle with the meaning of their lives and who they are and they will have to decide who they are going to be.
FFX is difficult to explain without spoiling the plot. By the first glance it's a world tormented by a huge monster known symbolically as "Sin". Beneath the surface it is deeply inspired by the real world and modern events and it strongly questions a few aspects of our world, rising a very important warning of who and what we choose to trust.
FFX-2 is inspired by pop-culture and teen mangas. It's a very different experience in that regard.
FFXII is about salvation vs revenge. It's deeply inspired by the Star Wars universe and it's easy to say "ripoff".

Despite having similar themes such as moogles and chocobo's, the FF games are very different and unique. I think you are just getting old.

TiAgUh 12-23-2007 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Terramax (Post 453428)
These games look like a joke. Random scenes of people spining around killing and destroying pretty much mindlessly(...)When I bought Final Fantasy 7-9 the style seemed so unique and neutral. Now it's just silly anime tosh.


Originally Posted by Me (Post 453428)
?? :crazy: FF 8 trailer was also about people fighting, explosions (with some dancing yeah :shifty: ) spaceships and missiles and whatever.


Originally Posted by Terramax (Post 453428)
It's called a montage. Look it up.

so... XIII isnt a montage then?

stepurhan 12-24-2007 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by JemyM (Post 453437)
I think you are just getting old.

Not quite sure what you mean by this. Since Terramax's profile doesn't include his date of birth then he could well be younger than you. Regardless, I don't see what someone's age has to do with the discussion. At most it means someone will have had the opportunity to play more games and thus be more likely to see repeating themes.

JemyM 12-24-2007 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by stepurhan (Post 453505)
Not quite sure what you mean by this. Since Terramax's profile doesn't include his date of birth then he could well be younger than you. Regardless, I don't see what someone's age has to do with the discussion. At most it means someone will have had the opportunity to play more games and thus be more likely to see repeating themes.

Difficult to explain what I mean with "getting old", and I did not mean it as an insult either. I think we all have moments in life when we realize that something we used to enjoy simply does not entertain us anymore. Maybe we get enough of it or maybe we move on and want to see something new, something different. Personally I am 30, and I played through FF7-FFXII, including Dirge of Cerberus and X-2 for the first time ever this year.

TiAgUh 12-25-2007 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by JemyM (Post 453560)
(...) and I played through FF7-FFXII, including Dirge of Cerberus and X-2 for the first time ever this year.


Here is a review of FF6 for the GBA\DS (with very few spoilers), i played it on SNES, what a game :9~ .


Originally Posted by Review (Post 453560)
If you haven't played Final Fantasy 6.. Shame on you!

JemyM 12-25-2007 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by TiAgUh (Post 453628)
Here is a review of FF6 for the GBA\DS (with very few spoilers), i played it on SNES, what a game :9~ .

FF6 is planned to next summer. I already own the game on PSX. I definitely have a few games to play before I am "done" with the series. I would like to play FFXII Revenant Wings, the DS version of FF3 and Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 as well. Before that there are some other games and school that have higher priorities though.

Gorecki 12-26-2007 04:06 AM

First things first, I count FFVI to FFIX amongst my favourite games of all time.

However this new trailer is very disappointing. FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII all used an almost identical art style, and this new game looks like it's going for the exact same feel again. Square Enix are becoming a bit predictable. I would like to see a lot more imagination put into upcoming installments!

Really, the problem I have at the moment is that I'm about 75 hours into FFXII and I still have no idea where it's going to end. The gameplay was initially fun but now it seems like a huge grind, and battles have become a chore. The story has been weak and having to journey for 5+ hours just to get to the next cut scene is painful. I think I may give up soon, which is a real shame as I've lost faith in one of my favourite developers. X-2 was also appalling.

I really, truly hope that with this next game Square Enix can develop a fantastic story and tie it to a game that doesn't grind you down with monotony.

TiAgUh 12-26-2007 10:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gorecki (Post 453725)
First things first, I count FFVI to FFIX amongst my favourite games of all time.


I really, truly hope that with this next game Square Enix can develop a fantastic story and tie it to a game that doesn't grind you down with monotony.

See .. what i dont get its that you (like JemyM) say that, but ... the story of IX sucked big time (even says that).

Really .. only X-2 (never played XII) is worse. So predictable and ... well .. predictable is bad enough. :P

About Versus XIII:
Well .. the mysterious man really looks like Cloud.
Attachment 1416

JemyM 12-26-2007 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by TiAgUh (Post 453758)
See .. what i dont get its that you (like JemyM) say that, but ... the story of IX sucked big time (even says that).

What FFIX lacks in story, it makes up in emotions. And what you really remember about a game long after you forgot it's details, it's the emotions.

CrimsonBlue 12-27-2007 02:52 PM

Heh, I liked the story in FFIX, don't see what's bad about it. It's my second favourite FF story, FFVII being my favourite.

TiAgUh 01-23-2008 11:51 AM

5 Attachment(s)

Versus XIII - in-game
Attachment 1425 Attachment 1426
Click to enlarge Pic1
Click to enlarge Pic2

XIII and Versus XIII - random In-game and CG montage

Attachment 1428
Attachment 1427
Attachment 1429

Terramax 01-23-2008 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Gorecki (Post 453725)
First things first, I count FFVI to FFIX amongst my favourite games of all time.

However this new trailer is very disappointing. FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII all used an almost identical art style, and this new game looks like it's going for the exact same feel again. Square Enix are becoming a bit predictable. I would like to see a lot more imagination put into upcoming installments!

THANK YOU! Now I know I'm not the only one.

TiAgUh 04-16-2009 04:55 AM

New FF XIII Gameplay -

Why do we need a map for that stage?.. and the fighting looks a bit like X-2, no?

CrimsonBlue 04-16-2009 06:01 AM

My interest in Final Fantasy Versus XIII far exceeds my expectation for the main game. I also look forward to Final Fantasy Agato XIII on the PSP. Just a couple of days ago, I finished FFVII: Crisis Core on the PSP, and I absolutely loved the battlesystem as long as it required strategy to beat the enemy. Otherwise, it's very much just bashing the attack command.

I think FFXIII's battlesystem looks like an improved version of FFX's. I am looking forward to trying it out, but Versus XIII looks so much more interesting than XIII. Besides, I think I read somewhere that Versus XIII will actually be a much more traditional Final Fantasy than the main game. Hopefully, traditional means PS1 era.

Anyway, the biggest complaint about the latest FF games are that they seem to have lost the humour and self-consciousness, and now takes itself way too seriously.

BTW, do you think we'll see FFXIV this generation of consoles? We've always had three games in the main series per console, FFI-III, IV-VI. VII-IX, X-XII. That's not including spinoffs. Unfortunately, I think the time of development and cost of it have become too high for this tradition to keep up. We'll probably only have XIII and the numerous spinoffs. Maybe that's why they decided to make XIII a series of games.

J-MAN 04-16-2009 07:41 AM

What is the difference between versus and just the normal one?

TiAgUh 04-16-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonBlue (Post 504674)
I think I read somewhere that Versus XIII will actually be a much more traditional Final Fantasy than the main game.

Really? I've read somewhere that it will be kinda like Kingdom Hearts\Crisis Core. :P


Originally Posted by J-MAN (Post 504688)
What is the difference between versus and just the normal one?

Same universe, different characters\story.

nomadsoul 04-16-2009 09:00 AM

Did walkthrough of demo on youtube, excellent , loved it, the visuals, presentation, futuristic settings,cutscenes, story, environments and design everything.

Music was best thing, though some character designs were 'too similar' nomura stuff, also there were some graphical rough edges, i still dig that old first trailer outlook than this shader infested approach, also snow's coat needs some better animation and there is clipping. It didnet set graphical benchmark of WOW EPIC stuff that FF series was known to set. I think yak3 models and rendering was miles better also kz2 overall graphics is to blame, times sure have changed, SE sure have lost somebits this gen, maybe they got too late.

Gameplay feels exciting if somewhat mix of X and X-2.

I loved FF for some reasons and this part has them all, so i am happy , loved the leading leady and her attitude, that afro guy isnt so bad either, the whole resistance and stuff better presented than i thought.

I hope they will avoid startrek type influence like FF12.
And hope it would come in japan this year, also should must have save tranfer option.

As far as versus and agito goes, digging the artstyle of them both since day 1, the new agito trailer is sexy. Have high hopes for Versus too.

CrimsonBlue 04-17-2009 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by TiAgUh (Post 504690)
Really? I've read somewhere that it will be kinda like Kingdom Hearts\Crisis Core. :P

Depends on what you're referring to. I've no idea what it meant, perhaps it was om terms of feel and atmosphere, storyline and progress. Might not be gameplay. I surely hope it's more than a turn based hack'n'slash game that Crisis Core was. Too little exploring, to my tastes. Other than that, Crisis Core was a great game.

TiAgUh 04-17-2009 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonBlue (Post 504791)
Depends on what you're referring to.

heres something from wikipedia :P :

Within recent Japanese gaming magazine interviews, Tetsuya Nomura has stated that Versus XIII's gameplay will be a realistic derivation of Kingdom Hearts battle system with some elements of a third-person shooter aspect similar to Square Enix's Dirge of Cerberus.

Originally Posted by CrimsonBlue (Post 504791)
Other than that, Crisis Core was a great game.

Someone told me that Zack isn't killed by a sniper anymore, instead they went for something a bit more dramatic. Changing stuff sucks.. :shifty:

CrimsonBlue 04-17-2009 08:18 AM


Someone told me that Zack isn't killed by a sniper anymore, instead they went for something a bit more dramatic. Changing stuff sucks.

I don't remember Zack being killed by a Sniper in FFVII. I remember him being shot by normal shinra troops. And THISvideo proves I'm right. :)

TiAgUh 04-17-2009 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonBlue (Post 504833)
I don't remember Zack being killed by a Sniper in FFVII. I remember him being shot by normal shinra troops. And THISvideo proves I'm right. :)

Man, i've always thought he got killed by a sniper, at least that is what I remember from playing FFVII when I was a kid. Maybe it was this that f*cked up my memories :crazy:. You just need to watch the 1st 2minutes.

nomadsoul 04-17-2009 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by TiAgUh (Post 504849)
Man, i've always thought he got killed by a sniper, at least that is what I remember from playing FFVII when I was a kid. Maybe it was this that f*cked up my memories :crazy:. You just need to watch the 1st 2minutes.

If there are 2 deaths that made me moved empotionally , those were in FF psp and darkness 360(of you know whom if i played) , so FF psp reimagining did much more than than whole FFVII.

Lucien21 04-17-2009 11:20 PM

There is a bunch of new trailers and gameplay footage taken from the Japanese demo.

MikeLXXXVIII 04-20-2009 12:48 AM

Was tempted to get the demo but held back since Crisis Core is supposely a terrible film,
I think I will avoid seeing the walkthroughs as I would prefer getting suprises in such a game when I get to play it myself. I can't wait for it though!

TiAgUh 04-20-2009 08:45 AM

Crisis Core is a psp game, Advent Children is the movie.

CrimsonBlue 04-20-2009 12:55 PM

The movie isn't that bad. I've only seen the original version, but this new version (called Advent Children Complete) apparently has quite a few scenes that the original didn't have, and supposedly it explains a lot more than the original. It's supposed to have improved the movie quite a bit. I'm looking forward to a european release unless I find out wether the movie works on PAL PS3s. If this is the case, and it has english subtitles, I may order it somewhere down the road (unless the PAL release is just around the corner, which I doubt).

MikeLXXXVIII 04-21-2009 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonBlue (Post 505297)
The movie isn't that bad. I've only seen the original version, but this new version (called Advent Children Complete) apparently has quite a few scenes that the original didn't have, and supposedly it explains a lot more than the original. It's supposed to have improved the movie quite a bit. I'm looking forward to a european release unless I find out wether the movie works on PAL PS3s. If this is the case, and it has english subtitles, I may order it somewhere down the road (unless the PAL release is just around the corner, which I doubt).

Blue Ray is region free, thats why people went bananas to pre order the Complete version due to getting the FFXIII demo with it. The film I am not sure if it has english subtitles but the dubbing is there so it shouldn't be a problem to understand. Then yet again if you wont have a chance to get the demo with it is better to wait for a much cheaper reasonable european version.


Originally Posted by TiAgUh (Post 505276)
Crisis Core is a psp game, Advent Children is the movie.

Sorry yeah I actually know that :P

nomadsoul 04-21-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by MikeLXXXVIII (Post 505394)
Blue Ray is region free, thats why people went bananas to pre order the Complete version due to getting the FFXIII demo with it. The film I am not sure if it has english subtitles but the dubbing is there so it shouldn't be a problem to understand. Then yet again if you wont have a chance to get the demo with it is better to wait for a much cheaper reasonable european version.

Sorry yeah I actually know that :P

Bluray games are region free on ps3 but not films, they are region coded, check playasia for region coding and compatibility for bluray movies.They went bananas because luckily the japanese bluray of Adventcomplete works on american and even singaporean ps3(fall in same region, yeah its different form DVD stuff, check wiki).

And the new Advent animation has more graphic fidelity too than last one, not just added scenes.

MikeLXXXVIII 04-22-2009 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by nomadsoul (Post 505423)
Bluray games are region free on ps3 but not films, they are region coded, check playasia for region coding and compatibility for bluray movies.They went bananas because luckily the japanese bluray of Adventcomplete works on american and even singaporean ps3(fall in same region, yeah its different form DVD stuff, check wiki).

And the new Advent animation has more graphic fidelity too than last one, not just added scenes.

I see so it wouldn't work with a PAL machine, well glad I didn't took that chance then...

nomadsoul 04-23-2009 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by MikeLXXXVIII (Post 505473)
I see so it wouldn't work with a PAL machine, well glad I didn't took that chance then...

Check wikipedia for bluray regions before ordering movie BDs nexttime.

J-MAN 04-23-2009 10:11 AM

Personally I'm looking forward to versus more.

Trickless 04-25-2009 04:38 PM

Played the demo and really enjoyed it, can't wait for the full game. Battle was real quick and slick once you get used to it. Game also looks gorgeous.

Regarding the Advent Children film - It's region free. It will play on any bluray player.

nomadsoul 04-25-2009 07:04 PM

When i checked the site in feb, they didn't have the box , they mentioned it region A , now they have official box/game now they say region free indeed

for region(on movies)

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