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Naveed 05-09-2006 08:49 AM

Nintendo E3 Conference
Live on GameSpot Now! One of the best intros ever, Miyamoto conducting a symphony. Brilliant!

bysmitty 05-09-2006 08:57 AM

Son of A.....

Grr.. I have a gamespot complete membership and everything but I'm stuck at work and can't watch... Grrrr....:\


Naveed 05-09-2006 09:23 AM

Yoshi's Island 2 for DS, wow!

Karmillo 05-09-2006 09:39 AM

Dam I was watching and my stream cut out :frown:

Naveed 05-09-2006 09:40 AM

Tennis was so fun, would be awesome to play on Wii!

SamandMax 05-09-2006 09:45 AM

I was a little wary, but I think I'm now looking forward to the Wii more than the PS3. They said it best themselves, PS3 and X-Box 360 are just a minor stepup from the past consoles, this one does seem to make playing games feel new again. Although I'm still a little wary about the game lineup.

Naveed 05-09-2006 09:55 AM

Since Zelda will be the launch title, then it is possible that Mario Galaxy will arrive later. Though if Mario and Zelda are both launch titles then it will be simply too good for the sake of Nintendo and gamers. Sports title will be available at launch.

They didn't reveal anything regarding pricing or the structure of downloadable games. Essentially the whole show was just a demonstration of Wii. I think they kept all the pricing/release information for Tokyo Game Show, which obviously is more important for Nintendo.

I am not so sure about how long you can actually play using the Wiimote. Looking at the demonstrations it was challenging even for those developers, and holding both controllers separately can be a bit more tiring in a longer stretch than a normal controller. But one must try it before passing the judgement, and of course it was very different and fun just watching it, looked awesome. Much more promising than 360 or PS3.

MoriartyL 05-09-2006 10:02 AM

I tried for the first fifteen minutes to watch, but it kept stopping. So much for "live". So I just read Eurogamer's commentary instead. Surprisingly, there were no major surprises. There was one monumental disappointment, though: There will be two versions of Twilight Princess? [groan] I'll have to wait to download the whole thing and see how it looks. I did look at the trailer for Red Steel on IGN- it looks incredible despite itself.

Lucien21 05-09-2006 10:08 AM

It has a speaker in the controller.

Wow I can hardly contain my excitement.

MoriartyL 05-09-2006 10:11 AM

Well, it is a pretty neat way to add immersion, but there's not much to say about it.

insane_cobra 05-09-2006 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Naveed
I am not so sure about how long you can actually play using the Wiimote. Looking at the demonstrations it was challenging even for those developers, and holding both controllers separately can be a bit more tiring in a longer stretch than a normal controller.

Which is good, right? Playing for long stretches of time is not good for you and this way your sessions are shorter AND you exercise. ;)

It can also make short games seem longer (lower development costs!) and yet more fulfilling. Anyway, I doubt every game will require you to jump all around the room. :)

Naveed 05-09-2006 10:14 AM

I am surprised why they didn't show Super Mario Galaxy in detail and Smash Brothers was not mentioned at all. May be SMG is very early in development but if it will be playable on the show floor tomorrow then it is a bit strange not to demonstrate it in the conference because essentially Mario is the face of Nintendo.

insane_cobra 05-09-2006 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by MoriartyL
Well, it is a pretty neat way to add immersion, but there's not much to say about it.

Yeah, that's a very nice feature. And if the microphone is also in it, you won't need headsets for multiplayer games.

Naveed 05-09-2006 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by insane_cobra
It can also make short games seem longer (lower development costs!) and yet more fulfilling.

Yes, not finishing Dreamfall in 10 hours straight ;)

MoriartyL 05-09-2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by insane_cobra
Anyway, I doubt every game will require you to jump all around the room. :)

Why not? Bring on the Wario Ware! :D

Originally Posted by insane_cobra
Yeah, that's a very nice feature. And if the microphone is also in it, you won't need headsets for multiplayer games.

I'm pretty sure there's no microphone on it- it's there for impact sound effects.

Intrepid Homoludens 05-09-2006 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Naveed
Yes, not finishing Dreamfall in 10 hours straight ;)

:P Which makes me wonder, d'you think 'hardcore' adventure gamers would bitch and whine if, say, they had to physically wave a Wiimote around to solve a puzzle instead of pushing their mouse and clicking? Are they THAT lazy? LOL!

Timbo 05-09-2006 01:05 PM

Nintendo E3 Conference ==


Naveed 05-09-2006 01:25 PM

Nice retro design, perfect for SNES games, and hardcore gamers can stop bitching too ;)

SoccerDude28 05-09-2006 02:13 PM

I wasn't impressed at all with the 3rd party gaming selection. I don't call a Tony Hawk game, or a Spongebob square pants game great third party support.
Zelda and Mario looked cool, but it's not like we have one of these every single generation. The only game that interests me in the Wii lineup for now is the ubisoft sword fighting one. Oh and rayman :)
The Wii sure does have a lot of promise, but I really want more mature games for it.

Starflux 05-09-2006 02:21 PM

I think they didn't emphasize Mario too much because they don't want it to seem that they're constantly dependent on that one character. I think it's a solid thing to do.

And you know, the games themselves don't hold a lot of appeal over me at all. Sure, Zelda is always nice, but I wouldn't really care for Red Steel, or the sports games, or any of the other titles. However, I find that I want to play them ALL, simply because of the way they're controlled. I think that's pretty funny.

Karmillo 05-09-2006 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by SoccerDude28
I wasn't impressed at all with the 3rd party gaming selection. I don't call a Tony Hawk game, or a Spongebob square pants game great third party support.
Zelda and Mario looked cool, but it's not like we have one of these every single generation. The only game that interests me in the Wii lineup for now is the ubisoft sword fighting one. Oh and rayman :)
The Wii sure does have a lot of promise, but I really want more mature games for it.

What about red steel? that game looks Awesome!

and is that Sness Wii controller for real? cause that would also be Awesome :D

Toefur 05-09-2006 06:17 PM

I thought Nintendo promised some really big surprises for E3. Or is there still more to be revealed? :S

Spiwak 05-09-2006 08:45 PM

I imagine they must be revealing more later. That's pretty tame.

Lucien21 05-09-2006 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Toefur
I thought Nintendo promised some really big surprises for E3. Or is there still more to be revealed? :S

Well they did say they Nunchuck controller had independant motion sensors as well as the Wiiremote.

So boxing with both both hands maybe.

As usual with Nintendo they are pushing the gameplay rather than the tech. Which is a good thing. nintendo games are always fun and the Wii doesn't look next-gen graphically. Basically a slightly improved Gamecube with a different controller.

Stil want one though

Starflux 05-09-2006 11:34 PM

Seeing isn't believing. feeling is believing.

Man, I'm going to watch this thing until I've learned ALL the oneliners. They rock.

insane_cobra 05-10-2006 01:01 AM

It's "playing is believing", actually.

EDIT: But maybe also feeling? Damn, need to watch the whole thing. :)

Naveed 05-10-2006 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
:P Which makes me wonder, d'you think 'hardcore' adventure gamers would bitch and whine if, say, they had to physically wave a Wiimote around to solve a puzzle instead of pushing their mouse and clicking? Are they THAT lazy? LOL!

Reading the Direct Control thread, an adventure game on Wii will be an ultimate nightmare for the 'hardcore' adventure gamer. At least mouse and keyboard were placed on the table, now they will need move their hand 'UP' from the table, no way, that's impossible, too hard :D

squarejawhero 05-10-2006 01:21 AM


Kolzig 05-10-2006 06:39 AM

My mind is blowing up because of all these news that keep pouring in.

Opera is in da house!

And holy crap that new Mario game for Wii looks awesome. :9~

I think that when I finally go back home, I may have to spend a week in front of my computer just to go through all the news that have come in the recent weeks and of course, E3...

insane_cobra 05-10-2006 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Kolzig
And holy crap that new Mario game for Wii looks awesome. :9~

Word. But I like Super Paper Mario for GC even better!

RLacey 05-10-2006 08:43 AM

Another 2D(-ish) Mario on my TV...

*squeals with delight*

Melanie68 05-10-2006 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Naveed
Nice retro design, perfect for SNES games, and hardcore gamers can stop bitching too ;)

I'm confused. Is this the other half that goes with the motion sensing, vibrating, wand thing that you can wave about?

bysmitty 05-10-2006 11:06 AM

Nope, that is a completely different controller that the Wii will ship with. Some games will use the motion sensing numb-chuck / magic wand thing (there are two parts to it), some games will use this more traditional controller.


insane_cobra 05-10-2006 11:28 AM

I'm not sure if Wii will ship with it, though, maybe it will be sold separately. It could confuse people, as Melanie just proved.

Dasilva 05-10-2006 12:16 PM

The nintendo Con beats Sony for sure, Sony was so boring and predictable pie charts and crap. :P

And the Wii will own all, mark my words. ;)

Yini 05-10-2006 02:11 PM

Damn, Super Paper Mario looks like fun! When's it coming out??

I am definitely getting a Wii when it comes out! Knowing Nintendo, they'll probably keep the price down between $200-300. I would've liked to get a PS3 as well for Final Fantasy, but at that price point it'll take some really great games and a couple of price drops before I'll get it. :shifty:

Starflux 05-11-2006 12:19 AM

Wow, Super Paper Mario! The beauty of this is, up until just now I used to read "Super Paper Mario for the GBC" instead of GC. So I was really thinking: why the HELL would they release a new game for the Gameboy Color?

But now it makes sense.

MoriartyL 05-11-2006 04:48 AM

Woe are we, we neglected explorers!
From Eurogamer:

Travel between the huge areas on multiple worlds will be undertaken in Samus' new gunship
BOOO!! Multiple worlds? No, please no! I was afraid of this- Hunters is the new direction for the series! It'll be a FPS! They're not even trying to claim it'll be an exploration game. It looks like exploration is truly dead.

Rest in peace, exploration.

Between this and the two versions of Zelda, Nintendo's really starting to piss me off.

Starflux 05-11-2006 05:14 AM

That sounds preposterously dramatic, Moriarty. And I think it's good to try out new avenues with a franchise instead of constantly reiterating what you've done before. Echoes was already a remake of Prime, so this change is good. Haven't you listened to Nintendo's philosophy? I can understand you're upset that people might tinker with your favourite series, but remember what Reggie said about the graveyards of the industry that are filled with the headstones of companies that never risked anything.

Change is good.

bysmitty 05-11-2006 05:24 AM

Exploration? What exactly do you mean about the 'death of exploration'? I'm really not familiar with the first person Metroid games. I assumed they were already FPS games, what is so different in their plan in this one from the pervious ones?


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