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Intrepid Homoludens 08-19-2005 10:54 PM

WTF is going on here?!!!
I take a few days off the community and you all freak out. SHEESH!! I guess I have some explaining to do: tempsie, you're a bitch for mistaking my compliment comparing your beauty to a cute great writer who wrote Breakfast At Tiffany's and In Cold Blood (actually you would have really been insulted if I had compared you to him in his later years when he got fat and so f#&king gay), but I love you anywaypleasedumpyourgirlfriendnowandmarrymeeventhoughiam suresheisanincrediblewomanwhosorightlydeservesyou.

Anyway, I took the past several days off from all this claustrophobic online community soap opera shit, triggered by that dumb thread (which I started anyway :shifty: ;only lurked, not participated, I still had a duty to fulfill as mod and news updater). It was good for me, let me breath real world air, not that clinical digital stuff passed off as oxygen. I went and finally got my Oregon ID, found GameCrazy, the only gaming store in Corvallis, and grabbed a pre-owned copy of SC: Pandora Tomorrow for cheap (excellent, but need to finish Thief: DS first), and called my paranoid mom and tried to convince her I walk the streets late at night naked hoping to run into a serial killer.

My double-headed baby t-shirt and patches finally came and I'm eating more bananas (which has a protein that the body converts to seratonin, so you literally do feel happier). And then our internet cable modem died on us so we were offline for a day and a half, which proves that I am not a geek, because I didn't have a panick attack and broke down, I simply went on walks and made some cd mixes to send to friends and counted spiders out in the front yard (it's obscene how many spiders the state of Oregon has per square feet). This past weekend big R and I went on caprice again to his bro's beach house and we took the stinky old dog for a morning walk on the beach (low tide).

Crap, I gotta change my av. It's depressing the hell outta me.

BenjaminBunny 08-19-2005 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
I take a few days off the community and you all freak out. SHEESH!!

It's because you're loved.

Intrepid Homoludens 08-19-2005 10:59 PM


ARGH!! STFU, you're making me cry!!

BenjaminBunny 08-19-2005 11:08 PM



Sage 08-19-2005 11:08 PM

*grabs Trep up in a big bear hug, lifting his feet off the ground*
It's good to hear that you weren't abducted by aliens or Bigfoot or something icky like that.
It sounds like you had a good time decompressing and enjoying the real world. Isn't it cool the way it automatically restarts every day? I haven't figured out how to "save" in that particular game, though. ;)
It's great to have you back!
*grabs Trep up in a big bear hug...again*


SakSquash 08-19-2005 11:09 PM

You come back and this is the avatar you give us?! Total crap!

To me, that dude was ugly. And it kinda freaked me out because he looks like a younger version of my father (sure, I could post their pictures up side by side, but I WONT!). We's cool homie. But remember, I ain't too proud to smack a bitch!

Anyway, you better don your riot gear, I get the feeling the piracy thread is far from over.

Shodan 08-19-2005 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
I'm eating more bananas (which has a protein that the body converts to seratonin, so you literally do feel happier).

So that's why my life sucks: I haven't eaten a banana in two months.

You seem slightly more insane than usual, Treplet. But please understand we really did miss, and do love you. Don't do that disappearing thing again, ok? :9

BenjaminBunny 08-19-2005 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by temporaryscars

Anyway, you better don your riot gear, I get the feeling the piracy thread is far from over.

*spade runs past wearing a beret and wielding a hand grenade while shouting "down with piracy! down with piracy!"

SakSquash 08-19-2005 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Spade
*spade runs past wearing a beret and wielding a hand grenade while shouting "down with piracy! down with piracy!"

*Swims nude through pirated games just to piss spade off.

What did the five fingers say to the face?!

Intrepid Homoludens 08-19-2005 11:13 PM

I am NOT even considering getting into that piracy crap again. I already warned people not to descend to personal comments. That's wot I meant by taking off a few days. :shifty:


*grabs Trep up in a big bear hug, lifting his feet off the ground*
It's good to hear that you weren't abducted by aliens or Bigfoot or something icky like that.
It sounds like you had a good time decompressing and enjoying the real world. Isn't it cool the way it automatically restarts every day? I haven't figured out how to "save" in that particular game, though. ;)
It's great to have you back!
*grabs Trep up in a big bear hug...again*
:shifty: You do realize I have a platonic crush on you. Now put me down before I suffocate.

SakSquash 08-19-2005 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
I am NOT even considering getting into that piracy crap again.


Come on in. The water's fineeeeeeeeeee. :D

Sage 08-19-2005 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
:shifty: You do realize I have a platonic crush on you. Now put me down before I suffocate.

Hey, they were platonic hugs...we were both dressed. :D
What can I say? I'm demonstrative. Deal with it. ;)

ScottMate :D

Lucien21 08-19-2005 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by temporaryscars

Come on in. The water's fineeeeeeeeeee. :D

Lucien21 08-19-2005 11:26 PM

Welcome Back Trep :)

SakSquash 08-19-2005 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lucien21

Ahhhh! It's attack of the mac sharks! Noooo! I don't want quicktime!!!

I smell cat vomit.

Tobbe 08-19-2005 11:34 PM

Good to have you back trep! :) Any progress on your book while you were away?

Intrepid Homoludens 08-19-2005 11:35 PM

:shifty: I'm more scared of that Apple logo, ironically.

Fairygdmther 08-20-2005 12:16 AM

Welcome back sweetie! Boy have you been missed this time! I'll bet you did this deliberately just to see who your friends really are! Love you anyway!



Intrepid Homoludens 08-20-2005 12:35 AM

:shifty: Well, I was aware that grey av would get attention, but I was in foul mood that day and am not one to hold it in. Crap, that 'sense' av just isn't working....gotta find something else.

squarejawhero 08-20-2005 12:50 AM


*whacks Trep upside the head*

Now, don't do that again, y'hear? ;) Good to know you're OK, though. Got us going for a bit. I was starting to fear for SamNMax's sanity. :D

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