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Titan 11-22-2003 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Phil25
Yes, but 40% of the population doesn't support serial killers. Hell, about 40% of people supported Bush around election time.

And the same percentage supported Clinton in 1992, and the same % support the 4-3 Massachusettes court decision. What is your point?

Phil25 11-22-2003 05:58 PM

40% of people supported Bush. He became president. 40% of people supported Clinton. He became president. 40% of people support gay marriage. There don't seem to be any gay married couples around. Somethings gotta give.

Titan 11-22-2003 07:59 PM

Yes I would expect that will certainly be changing soon. While it would be preferable that legislatures would have done this rather than the courts making new law, there was no guarantee many states would have done it. Thus far none had, only civil unions had passed, and that was only in Vermont.

Vice President Cheney, whose has a lesbian daughter, has the position of each state deciding for itself whether gay marriage should be the law in that state. Thus he thinks that a constitutional ammendment banning them would be outrageously undemocratic. I agree with that position.

Bush himself has not said he is in favor of a constitutional ammendment either, but doesn't want to offend the base he'll need to have a chance at reelection by unequivocally taking the Cheney position.

It is fact of American politics that interest groups supply money and organization on one hand to both major parties and at the same time withhold their votes for the less than enthusiastic supporters of their interests. It's always a fine line the candidates must walk once they get to the general election.

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