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Maquisard 05-19-2005 08:00 AM

I called a local theater, and their 9:30 am projection was almost empty (95% of seats unoccupied!), but my bro didn't wanna get up to go with me, so I'll probably see it tommorow. :\

squarejawhero 05-19-2005 08:01 AM

@Terabin - Same here.

Funny how the movie got more interesting to the end. I'm in two minds about it, as the transfer to the original series felt really heavy handed as the production design changed. Evidently they're a big fan of '70's design at Alderaan. :crazy: But they kept throwing in the modern organic shapes even when the blockade runner was setting down.

That said I rather enjoyed many of the visual aspects of the film, and Senator Palpatines seduction of Anakin was well handled, but Lucas is such a clumsy, heavy-handed scriptwriter and director that every time I started to get into it some motif or line would throw me back out.

That said, overall, I liked it. It wasn't great, but it wasn't a piece of arse like the others either. Its themes win over the viewer more than anything else, and certainly ILM have just about perfected their digital artwork. The actors seemed more comfortable with the (occasionally horrendous) dialogue and the lighthearted relief was welcome. Lucas' insistance that small floating things enter the frame at every minute wasn't though.

Like I said, two minds.

SamNMax 05-19-2005 01:19 PM

After seeing it, I have to say it could've been a lot better. The battles were great, but I think from the birth of Vader and on, it was... stupid. I remember everyone cracking up in the theater at the scene where Skywalker joins Palpitine. What I'm trying to say is I don't like how Vader was such a tool.

squarejawhero 05-19-2005 01:26 PM

All I can say is -


Who the HELL wrote THAT? :pan:

SamNMax 05-19-2005 01:27 PM

Yeah. That was pretty funny too.

Ninth 05-19-2005 11:55 PM

So I saw it yesterday.
Sure it has some awkward moments (like the NOOOO), but it still touched me, go figure.

Jazhara7 05-20-2005 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by squarejawhero
All I can say is -


Who the HELL wrote THAT? :pan:

Did the person crying it fall to his knees, and shout it out to the sky? Of course, the camera also has to zoom out.

Because in "Dungeons & Dragons", the person did that.

Must have been the same author... :P

- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

chapter11studios 05-20-2005 12:31 PM

You guys are harsh. I really loved the film and, aside from a few nitpicky things here and there, think it's wonderful entertainment. I put it just below Empire in the pantheon. Nice work all around.


Originally Posted by Orange Brat
I can't wait for the DVD to get the deleted scenes of Yoda arriving on Dagobah, Qui Gon Jinn's cameo, Mon Mothma's cameo and a few other extended scenes.

Is this confirmed that they shot these scenes, or just speculation?

SamNMax 05-20-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jazhara7
Did the person crying it fall to his knees, and shout it out to the sky? Of course, the camera also has to zoom out.

Other than falling to his knees, yes.

squarejawhero 05-20-2005 01:21 PM


You guys are harsh.
No, we just didn't like it as much as you. :) And at least we justify our comments as to why we didn't like it. Much. It was OK. :D

Ninja Dodo 05-20-2005 04:27 PM

I thought it was awesome. A few bits dialogue here and there that were a bit off, but other than that I really liked it.

Yoda kicks ass.

Avinash_Tyagi 05-20-2005 06:17 PM

The thing that most bothered me was the absence of my favorite Jedi character Shaak Ti, she's one of the main Jedi characters in the Clone Wars micro-series.

She was supposed to be one of the Jedi killed in the attack on the temple, Vader kills her while she's meditating, but they cut that scene from the movie.

However overall I thought the movie was one of the better in the series, definetly better than episodes 1 & 2 :r

samIamsad 05-20-2005 06:21 PM

I'd probably like it more if it actually had some interesting characters and emotions. Same problem as in Ep. I and II. The ending was pretty good, though.

Orange Brat 05-20-2005 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by chapter11studios
You guys are harsh. I really loved the film and, aside from a few nitpicky things here and there, think it's wonderful entertainment. I put it just below Empire in the pantheon. Nice work all around.

Is this confirmed that they shot these scenes, or just speculation?

It's confirmed by the producer in some random interview. The Yoda arriving on Dagobah scene has been talked about for weeks and is supposed to be edited back into the DVD cut. Since, all of the prequel DVD versions are extended, this would make sense.

It's been reported that the movie demolished the single day opening record. It made 50 million..the previous record was 44 held by Shrek 2. The fact that this occurred on a school day and is followed by one is even more impressive. The midnight showing alone was 16.5 million.

RLacey 05-21-2005 01:01 AM

Can anybody who has been to see this film tell me if Hayden Christensen as learnt to act since the last film?

That may sound a little harsh, but I also think it was true. His line delivery in Attack of the Clones (Worst. Title. Evar.) was pathetic.

Ninja Dodo 05-21-2005 01:52 AM

I think he's better in this film... but I also think his delivery in nr 2 was more thanks to Lucas' directions than his acting abilities.

insane_cobra 05-21-2005 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by RLacey
Can anybody who has been to see this film tell me if Hayden Christensen as learnt to act since the last film?

That may sound a little harsh, but I also think it was true. His line delivery in Attack of the Clones (Worst. Title. Evar.) was pathetic.

I'm affraid not. I couldn't believe how awful he was at moments. Even Natalie Portman was annoying in some scenes, but maybe it's just that I can hardly stand her after seeing that Garden State trash.

He looks a bit better with long hair, though.

DustCropper 05-21-2005 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Orange Brat
It's confirmed by the producer in some random interview. The Yoda arriving on Dagobah scene has been talked about for weeks and is supposed to be edited back into the DVD cut. Since, all of the prequel DVD versions are extended, this would make sense.

I remember seeing a picture somewhere of a young Mon Mothma actress. I think.

About Hayden, I've heard he did fairly well in Shattered Glass (haven't seen it, nor heard about it until today). Given the general suckiness of the acting in all these movies, I think it's safe to say the fault lies with the director.

Anyways, I saw the movie a few hours ago. I thought it was pretty decent. The theater I saw it in was crap though -- the audience was loud and rude, and the sound system wasn't working very well... so I probably would have enjoyed it more in a different setting.

Ninja Dodo 05-21-2005 03:20 AM

Hey, Garden State is a great film.

insane_cobra 05-21-2005 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Ninja Dodo
Hey, Garden State is a great film.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. It's one shallow, cliche ridden pile of nothingness posing as a cool little indie film. God, I cannot even express how I hate that movie!

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