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UPtimist 12-07-2009 09:52 AM

Well, as I said, art is just a hobby for me. I have no idea if I would even qualify for art school, or actually even how hard it is to get in...

Trumgottist 12-07-2009 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by UPtimist (Post 531887)
On the program, I'm not sure. the only proper art program I have is Paint Shop Pro 9, which I got for free way back in the day for some reason. I'm not sure if and how that works with the tablet, so I might as well be getting some other program, though I'm thinking I'll go free...

It does work with the tablet (or I'd be very surprised). I have (or maybe I should say had as it has problems with Vista, and I've bought Photoshop instead) PSP 6 which, even though it's considerably older supports pressure sensitivity (not tilt, but as it's ten years old that's to be expected). So you can get started with that before getting new software.

That being said, I've fooled around a bit with Corel Painter Essentials 2 (I got that free with the tablet), and painting in a program like that is a different experience from that of PSP / Photoshop. That ArtRage thing looks interesting. I'll remember to try the demo when I get the time.

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