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Intrepid Homoludens 03-05-2008 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by bullsie (Post 461706)
Hello everyone......well I am on my way to recovery from the c-section and I have a cute little baby to show you. :9~

Her name is Olivia Nicole Bryant Johnson

Weight 7lbs 4oz and 18.5 inches long

She looks alot like me....a tiny Bullsie.....teehee :D


She's stunning, bullsie. And a future supermodel in the second pic, heh heh.

:) Did you receive my package?

bulldog 03-05-2008 04:53 PM

Oh yeah the second pic is my favorite as well. :D
Oh yes I got your packpage, I sent you a thank you note it should be on its way very soon, I also included a birth announcment. Thank you so much for the gifts that you sent, they are wonderful and yummy. :9

Jatsie 03-05-2008 05:31 PM

Awww, congratulations Bullsie!

I'm usually not a baby person, but I must admit she does look adorable. Although isn't she a little young to be wearing fake tan? :P ;)

bulldog 03-05-2008 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 461713)
Awww, congratulations Bullsie!

I'm usually not a baby person, but I must admit she does look adorable. Although isn't she a little young to be wearing fake tan? :P ;)

awww thanks love :kiss: ..... fake tan...teehee... ;) :9

Melanie68 03-05-2008 06:18 PM


She's gorgeous! Congratulations Kim! :) :) :)

bulldog 03-05-2008 08:05 PM

Thanks Mel :D

tsa 03-05-2008 09:48 PM

Congratulations again Kimmie, on a beautiful newborn!

bulldog 03-06-2008 03:30 AM

thanks tsa

Jelena 03-06-2008 07:42 AM

Congrats again to your beautiful daughter. She is the cutest! :)

Jatsie 03-06-2008 09:09 AM

I hate to break up all this merriment and well wishing, but I have a slight problem.

I feel like a bit of a shit. I went out on Tuesday night, and there were a few nice men around, but I didn't manage to catch the eye of any of the ones I was interested in. So it was nearing the end of the evening, and I was in a mood where I didn't want to go home alone, when I happened to notice standing by the bar someone I vaguely knew. I'd met him about three weeks ago, we'd chatted a few times, I could sense that he liked me, but I wasn't interested and was just being friendly. He was good enough looking, but not particularly my type. Anyway, at that moment a voice in my head said "he'll do" so I went and grabbed my coat, sauntered over to where he was standing, said hello, then in a very uncharacteristic moment said "I'm leaving, are you coming?" and of course he did. You can imagine the rest. So now he's messaging me, asking to see me again, and of course I have no intention or desire to do so, but I don't know how to get rid of him without hurting his feelings. I've been in the reverse position, and I know that it doesn't feel nice when you go off with some guy, and then they don't want to see you again. Oh, and what's even worse is that he was really awkward and had no idea what he was doing that night, then later informed me he's only 18. So now I'm thinking "Oh God, please tell me I didn't steal that poor boy's innocence..." This situation I feel will require some delicacy, but I'm incredibly tactless. :frown: The worst thing is I can't even blame this situation on my drunkenness because I was shockingly sober that night. Ack, what am I going to do?

bulldog 03-06-2008 09:09 AM

awww thanks Lena :D

bulldog 03-06-2008 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 461756)
I hate to break up all this merriment and well wishing, but I have a slight problem.

Jatsie..... now you have gone and done it (joking). Ok the guy is 18 years old.... well he probably is going to latch on to you anyway like a little puppy. My best thoughts is to text him and tell him in a (nice) way that he is a little young for you romantically, and you just prefer not to carry this any further romantically or otherwise with him and leave it at that.

Hope that helped.... :kiss:

Merricat 03-06-2008 09:48 AM

Or you could say that the two of you shared one beautiful night together, but that he's young and unspoiled and you don't want to be the guy who breaks his heart, so it's best to part now, with this exquisite memory that you can both hold onto forever... (I am joking, of course. :))

Welcome to the world, baby Olivia; we are pleased to have you.

Lucien21 03-06-2008 09:54 AM



You know you are not doing much to dispel the "Gay men are promiscuous" stereotype recently.

If only I had your problems with the ladies :devil:

Jelena 03-06-2008 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 461756)
Ack, what am I going to do?

Listen to these wise women:

Originally Posted by bulldog (Post 461758)
My best thoughts is to text him and tell him in a (nice) way that he is a little young for you romantically, and you just prefer not to carry this any further romantically or otherwise with him and leave it at that.


Originally Posted by Merricat (Post 461760)
Or you could say that the two of you shared one beautiful night together, but that he's young and unspoiled and you don't want to be the guy who breaks his heart, so it's best to part now, with this exquisite memory that you can both hold onto forever... (I am joking, of course. :))

Ah well Merricat was joking, but you really should take contact with him and gently say something that lets him know you're not interested. Age difference is a great reason. Or make something up as long as you're not ignoring him.

And really should take care of yourself better.

tsa 03-06-2008 11:41 AM

Don't give everyone your phone number! ;)

bulldog 03-06-2008 12:13 PM

thanks Merricat

I agree with Jelena, don't ignor him that is the worest thing that you could do.

tsa- you are no naughty....;)

Squinky 03-06-2008 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lucien21 (Post 461762)
You know you are not doing much to dispel the "Gay men are promiscuous" stereotype recently.

Jatsie 03-06-2008 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lucien21 (Post 461762)


You know you are not doing much to dispel the "Gay men are promiscuous" stereotype recently.

I know. It's not really like me, but when you're miserably single sometimes you just want someone to snuggle up with in bed, and a little bit of casual sex accomplishes that, hehe.


Originally Posted by Jelena (Post 461765)
And really should take care of yourself better.

This is me taking care of myself! :frown: I retained my entire memory on a night out for the first time in six weeks. If you think that's bad you'll be glad I didn't tell you what happened to me the Monday before last on my trip to London. Now that was scary, and a well needed wake up call.


Originally Posted by tsa (Post 461767)
Don't give everyone your phone number! ;)

I didn't he found me on Facebook. Damn these social networking sites! :(

Anyway, thanks for all the advice guys. I'll put it into practice when I reply to this man tomorrow.

tsa 03-06-2008 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by tsa (Post 461767)
Don't give everyone your phone number! ;)


I didn't he found me on Facebook. Damn these social networking sites! :(
Ooo Jatsie, that's even worse! Never put any private info on any website!

OK, I'll stop lecturing...

Jelena 03-07-2008 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 461793)
If you think that's bad you'll be glad I didn't tell you what happened to me the Monday before last on my trip to London. Now that was scary, and a well needed wake up call.

It's just that I care about you and if you put yourself in situations where you might get hurt I worry, simple as that. I'm a mother hen and you know it. ;)
And please, no details about the trip to London. :D

tsa 03-07-2008 04:30 AM

Tell us about London Jatsie! :D

Squinky 03-07-2008 07:57 AM

Only if you want to, of course. :)

Hammerite 03-07-2008 08:17 AM

(bit late, but...)

:D :D :D

Jatsie 03-07-2008 12:17 PM

Well I did it, I messaged him, I tried to be delicate, and I buried it in a block of text waffling about other stuff in an attempt to soften the blow.

Maybe I'll share the details of my trip to London, but I'll wrap it with spoiler tags for Lena's sake, whose concern I appreciate I might add. :)

Merricat 03-07-2008 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jelena (Post 461815)
It's just that I care about you and if you put yourself in situations where you might get hurt I worry, simple as that. I'm a mother hen and you know it. ;)
And please, no details about the trip to London. :D

Jelena, you remind me of that quotation from Philo: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.

In others words, you're a gentle soul. :)

Jatsie 03-07-2008 01:55 PM

I got a reply from my gentleman friend, he said that he appreciated my straightforwardness, and would happy to just be friends. That's good, problem avoided. Phew, hehe.

bulldog 03-07-2008 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hammerite (Post 461843)
(bit late, but...)

:D :D :D

Thanks Ham......:kiss:


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 461861)
Well I did it, I messaged him, I tried to be delicate, and I buried it in a block of text waffling about other stuff in an attempt to soften the blow.

Maybe I'll share the details of my trip to London, but I'll wrap it with spoiler tags for Lena's sake, whose concern I appreciate I might add. :)

Thats good news :D

Jelena 03-08-2008 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 461861)
Maybe I'll share the details of my trip to London, but I'll wrap it with spoiler tags for Lena's sake, whose concern I appreciate I might add. :)

Ouch, I'm a curious bastard as well. ...Must resist the temptation of spoiler tags....


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 461869)
I got a reply from my gentleman friend, he said that he appreciated my straightforwardness, and would happy to just be friends. That's good, problem avoided. Phew, hehe.

All is well. :)

Jatsie 03-08-2008 09:23 AM

Fine, I'll dish the dirt later, when I'm feeling in a more literary mood.

My friend scared the life out of me this morning. He phoned me at midday, I'd just woken up and was rather hungover, and his first words were "have you heard about Lady Thatcher?" My heart sank and I clutched my collar, "no, what!?" I pressed "haven't you seen the news, she was rushed to hospital last night" "oh, thank God, I thought you were about to tell me she was dead!" So then we went for lunch, and this is the point where I have a very important piece of advice, when one is still feeling the effects of the night before, do not order a club sandwich. I spent £8 on this thing, which is frankly outrageous for a sandwich, and it was huge. I ploughed through it, and now I feel a tad ill. Oh, and I ordered a cup of Assam to accompany it, and they didn't have any, so I went "fine, the Earl Grey then" "we're out of that too" "what exactly do you have?" "the Darjeeling" "I'll have that then."

I don't know what happened last night, I was supposed to go to a party, but I didn't feel up to it, so instead I planned a quiet night in. I had a bottle of Chenin Blanc, some Swiss chocolate, and a film, and I lay in my bed enjoying all three. It was thoroughly pleasant, then suddenly it was midnight, the film had ended, the bottle was empty, and I decided that I was going out, so whipped on some clothes and off I dashed. I believe that's what they call your second wind, lol. So anyway, it was all very good, but I did lose a silver button from my favourite jacket.

lumi 03-09-2008 05:46 PM

I need to meet you one day, Jatsie, because I don't believe you actually exist.

Not A Speck Of Cereal 03-09-2008 07:10 PM


Jelena 03-09-2008 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by lumi (Post 462092)
I need to meet you one day, Jatsie, because I don't believe you actually exist.

He just might be a little old lady (from Southampton) with a vivid imagination. ;)

Jatsie 03-10-2008 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by lumi (Post 462092)
I need to meet you one day, Jatsie, because I don't believe you actually exist.

Well if you're ever in England be sure to look me up and we can go for cocktails. Anyway, are my exploits really that outlandish? I must admit this past week was slightly more crazy than usual, I went out on six of seven evenings. Perhaps it's the seemingly contradictory sides to my personality. On the one hand there's the Jatsie who's well bred, educated, cultured, well spoken, good mannered, who reads the Telegraph, sips tea, is a member of the Conservative and Unionist party, and cares about the health of Baroness Thatcher. All very gentlemanly things, much like Jelena's lovely description of me. On the other hand there's the Jatsie who can often be found in a gay bar, wearing a tight t-shirt and plenty of eyeliner, dancing to camp Eighties classics, over indulging in mixed drinks, occasionally munching on a kebab at 3am, and sometimes waking up in the home of a stranger with little to no memory. Yes, no wonder people tell me I'm a bit of a character, hehe.

Originally Posted by Jelena (Post 462106)
He just might be a little old lady (from Southampton) with a vivid imagination. ;)

Why Southampton? (I'm sure you're alluding to someone I should know, but I can't for the life of me think of any little old ladies authors from that region.)

Jelena 03-10-2008 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Jat316sob (Post 462123)
Why Southampton? (I'm sure you're alluding to someone I should know, but I can't for the life of me think of any little old ladies authors from that region.)

Sorry, just a random place that came into my mind as I was in a hurry to catch the bus this morning.

Squinky 03-10-2008 09:07 AM

My theory is that Jatsie and RLacey are two contrasting sides of the same person.

Hammerite 03-10-2008 10:01 AM

*skips around*

RLacey 03-10-2008 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Squinky (Post 462161)
My theory is that Jatsie and RLacey are two contrasting sides of the same person.

And like so many other theories, that one is wrong.

Jelena 03-10-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Squinky (Post 462161)
My theory is that Jatsie and RLacey are two contrasting sides of the same person.

That would be creepy.

tsa 03-10-2008 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Hammerite (Post 462174)
*skips around*

Hi Hammie! How're you doing?

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