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Panthera 03-21-2006 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mares
That's a Patagonian Cavy. :)

or a Mara, as the image says.. Your right, your turn to post.. ;)

Did you know that it's a rodent? :crazy: (the question is not meant directly to Mares)

Sage 03-21-2006 07:14 PM

Quite the contrary, Panthera; I am all about zoology and the natural world.
You are correct, the pic I posted is of a Jaguarundi. They appear in a wide variety of color phases from black to dusty tan, so I used one with a ticked coat to have a happy medium.

Panthera 03-21-2006 07:20 PM

That's nice.. :) I didn't think someone would post a picture that would make me have to look, but it's apparent that there are other persons on this forum that shares my interest, and thats great, makes the game challengin' for everyone... :)

I was just going to edit my post once again to say that the Capybara also is a rodent(actually the biggest rodent in the world), a fact that I didn't know until now.. I've always thought it was a little hippo.. :crazy:

Jelena 03-21-2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Panthera
or a Mara, as the image says..

Yes, it´s a Mara. I didn´t know the image gave away the species. Where?

Maquisard 03-21-2006 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Panthera
or a Mara, as the image says.. Your right, your turn to post.. ;)

Did you know that it's a rodent? :crazy:

I did. :) I saw its resemblance to a hare, so I looked up an encyclopedia entry on rodents, and voila! :P

OK, So it's my turn now?

Alright, here goes:

Sage 03-21-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Panthera
That's nice.. :) I didn't think someone would post a picture that would make me have to look, but it's apparent that there are other persons on this forum that shares my interest, and thats great, makes the game challengin' for everyone... :)

Thank you for your kind words. I'll have a tough time topping that one, but I'll see what I can do if I get another turn. :)


Originally Posted by Panthera
I was just going to edit my post once again to say that the Capybara also is a rodent(actually the biggest rodent in the world), a fact that I didn't know until now...

Yep, they're about the height of a Labrador, but more stockily built. Like most members of the rodent family, they're nervous but very inquisitive.

Originally Posted by Panthera
I've always thought it was a little hippo.. :crazy:

Guess which family hippos belong to. :D

Sage 03-21-2006 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mares
I did. :) I saw its resemblance to a hare, so I looked up an encyclopedia entry on rodents, and voila! :P

OK, So it's my turn now?

Alright, here goes:

That's a Red Panda. :D

Maquisard 03-21-2006 07:44 PM

:( Too easy!

Go... :shifty:

Maquisard 03-21-2006 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott

Guess which family hippos belong to. :D

Judging by its name, the horse family? :shifty: ...But I find that highly unlikely. :D

Panthera 03-21-2006 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott
Guess which family hippos belong to. :D

Now you made me wanna answer "rodent" :crazy: that would really creep me out.. I've always thought they were in family with rhinos and elephants, but in retrospect I think I'm quite mistaken.. Can't find out what they are besides the latin family name: Hippopotamidae.. Stupid Wikipedia..

Relative to Camels, pigs and deer, you got to be kidding me.. Now I wanna go and read about all animals just to learn what other stange things there's out there..

Try to guess where I got my name?

Melanie68 03-21-2006 07:52 PM

I found a website that says they are relatives of camels, pigs and deer. That doesn't make sense to me as camels and deer are ruminants (have 3-4 'stomachs') and pigs just have one stomach. :confused: It would make sense given their diet that they are ruminants.

Maquisard 03-21-2006 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Panthera
I've always thought [hippos] were in family with rhinos and elephants, but in retrospect I think I'm quite mistaken.

In my juvenile mind, big-fat-and-grey animals were all related as well, but is there really any connection between elephants and rhinos?

Panthera 03-21-2006 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Mares
In my juvenile mind, big-fat-and-grey animals were all related as well, but is there really any connection between elephants and rhinos?

Well, they are all herbivors..

EDIT: Rhinos belong to the same group of animals as horses; both are "odd-toed ungulates", or Perissodactyla. Elephants belong to the Proboscidea order, where there are no other living animals other than the Elephant, so the Elephants arn't in family with any living animal..

Panthera 03-21-2006 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Melanie68
I found a website that says they are relatives of camels, pigs and deer. That doesn't make sense to me as camels and deer are ruminants (have 3-4 'stomachs') and pigs just have one stomach. :confused: It would make sense given their diet that they are ruminants.

Yeah, I reacted to that to. I could see the similarities between the hippo and the pig, but hippos arn't ruminants as deers and camels? Oh, I don't remember the english word for thewing and spitting up grass, is it ruminant? I've never heard that hippos are that.. their feet are different to, arn't they? Camels only have two "toes", doesn't hippos have more?

Sage 03-21-2006 08:07 PM

Panthera 03-21-2006 08:11 PM

oh, it's a nose racoon/bear.. Damn it, I know that one.. Hate not having English as first language..

Never know the english names..

Jelena 03-21-2006 08:43 PM

Could Coatimundi be the correct name?:crazy:

Sage 03-21-2006 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by LenaJ
Could Coatimundi be the correct name?:crazy:

Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner! Tell her what she's won, Don!
Well Scott, for correctly identifying the posted image as a Coatimundi or Coati for short, Lena has won a lifetime supply of the respect and admiration of her fellow forumites!
Congratulations Lena! Now it's your turn to post a pic in everyone's favorite Chit-Chat game, "Name That Animal"!

Melanie68 03-21-2006 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Panthera
Yeah, I reacted to that to. I could see the similarities between the hippo and the pig, but hippos arn't ruminants as deers and camels? Oh, I don't remember the english word for thewing and spitting up grass, is it ruminant? I've never heard that hippos are that.. their feet are different to, arn't they? Camels only have two "toes", doesn't hippos have more?

They sort of are. Cows have 3 forestomachs before they reach the stomach that makes acid (like ours does). Hippos have some variation on these forestomachs that allows them to digest the vegetation they eat. Deer only have 2 forestomachs before they get to their acid-producing stomach (called a glandular stomach).

If you're so inclined, here's a article on comparitive anatomy of the gastrointestinal tracts depending on what you eat. :)

There's a link to the PDF full text (I'm not sure if it'll work for you).

Edit: They regurgitate their food (because it goes back up the esophagus before it reaches the glandular stomach - as opposed to vomiting [yech] where the food reaches the glandular stomach before it comes back up.)

Sage 03-21-2006 09:14 PM

I have never before been so glad I was born an omnivore. :crazy:

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