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RLacey 12-27-2005 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Thrift Store Scott
I'm so envious.

Don't get too excited. It's the budget edition, and quite easy to get hold of ;).

Sage 12-27-2005 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by RLacey
Don't get too excited. It's the budget edition, and quite easy to get hold of ;).

But is it the Mac version? I think not. :)

Karmillo 12-27-2005 09:17 AM

I got an Xbox 360 and some games

My mum had originaly wraped up the box for my old xbox to suprize me :shifty:
Last year she put my presents in a shoe box :P

Lucien21 12-27-2005 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Karmillo
I got an Xbox 360 and some games

My mum had originaly wraped up the box for my old xbox to suprize me :shifty:
Last year she put my presents in a shoe box :P

Jammy Git :P

Dasilva 12-27-2005 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Karmillo
I got an Xbox 360 and some games

My mum had originaly wraped up the box for my old xbox to suprize me :shifty:
Last year she put my presents in a shoe box :P

You know you could sell that 360 on ebay and make a huge profit and then buy another 360. everyone else is currently doing that. lol

UPtimist 12-27-2005 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Karmillo
I got an Xbox 360 and some games

My mum had originaly wraped up the box for my old xbox to suprize me :shifty:
Last year she put my presents in a shoe box :P

My grandma had but her present in a medicine box... I was slightly surprised when I opened the package :P

Karmillo 12-27-2005 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Lucien21
Jammy Git :P

Yeah I really was jammy, apparently my sister had preordered one online a few minutes before they stopped taking them in, and they got it delivered on launch :crazy: It was a core system but i also got the stuff i needed


Originally Posted by Dasilva
You know you could sell that 360 on ebay and make a huge profit and then buy another 360. everyone else is currently doing that. lol

Its a gift, you dont sell your gifts, especialy ones you want :P

Jazhara7 12-27-2005 02:09 PM

I got:

M*A*S*H DVD set of Season 3, together with a "Geek Girl" Dogtag, which looks even more convincing because I wear a silver Cartouche (with my name, though in hieroglyphs), which has a slightly shorter chain. This was from my eldest sister.

Two large (ca. 46 cm long) snakes, one of them beanbag (a normal one), and one wood (a cobra). Also, a small NICI Ladybug ceramic figure (my sister got a sheep). This was from my middle sister and her boyfriend.

A analogue Single lens reflex camera by Nikon, and Colour Film and colour Slide-Film, and an attachable Flashlight for it. A headset (finally!), a new MP3-Player (finally! My first one was really bad. That's not just me saying, but there are thousands of complaints about it, just about the nearly impossible to install program needed for it), a new watch (for some reason my watches tend to desintegrate with time. It's uncanny) from the Christkind.

Also, yesterday I got a salt-stone candle and a chocolate Fondue from my aunt and cousins. And tomorrow a friend of the family is coming to distribute and receive presents.

- :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

ILoveYou 12-27-2005 02:09 PM

- A bag of boredom
- Sock full of evil words
- A Broken heart
- Some candy :D

RLacey 12-27-2005 02:37 PM

I thought we'd established that Santa... doesn't :frown:...



Intrepid Homoludens 12-27-2005 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by RLacey
I thought we'd established that Santa... doesn't :frown:...



:shifty: We're speaking metaphorically, you little git.

:) I got:
  • A warm and snuggly fake fur blanket throw in crimson red from big R's parents
  • A handsome pair of decorative 'antiqued' metal wall hangins featuring good will filigree Chinese characters, from big R's son & daughter-in-law
  • A 2006 calender featuring beautiful photos of lighthouses, from big R's grandkids
  • A big pack of 'print-on' blank cds with jewel cases, from my local friends Bob and Daniel
  • Money from my parents
  • Money from my sister
  • A huge jug of Schirnoff Vodka, and a Cat Lover's create-a-sentence magnet set, from big R
  • A close friendship with, and support from, big R, beyond my heartbreak
  • A new PC: HP Compaq laptop, from myself
  • Great plans to move to San Francisco and embark on a new life, from myself

Jazhara7 12-27-2005 03:53 PM

Ooh! I nearly forgot! I also got a lot of Earthsong Merchandise.

To be exact, a Felucca Cap Sleeve T-Shirt, an Earthsong Wall Calendar, a Zaebos and K'Thony Mousepad, a journal with a picture of Willow, a journal of "The McEmopants Monologues" (featuring everyone's favourite Angsty Vampire, Tristram "Vampy McEmopants"!), a coffee tea mug with the writing "Taking over the cup at a time", and a lovely picture of the top villain, the evil planet Beluosus.

Oh, and of course I got two different stickers. One Don't make me poodle you!, and one PH34R TEH POODLE! (which is extra long, as a bumper sticker. Now I only need a car...and a driving license...), both featuring Poodle, the Beating Stick*.

*which could be considered an equivalent of the famous Adventure Gamers :pan: , only that *he* is a *STAR*! Oh, and he's not animated...

- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

RLacey 12-27-2005 03:56 PM

Too many Earthsong-related links in a single post :crazy:...


Jazhara7 12-27-2005 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by RLacey
Too many Earthsong-related links in a single post :crazy:...


There can never be *enough* Earthsong-related links in a single post.

- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

such great heights 12-27-2005 07:19 PM

Farenheit!! I picked this game out while my dad and I were shopping for the FPU, and "forgot" about it. Finally getting to play it made me quite happy.

Bright, shiny, new red Doc Martens, 10i. They'll complement my 18i black pair nicely. As soon as they're broken in and stop giving me blisters, that is...ouch.

I bought a bunch of things myself with gift cards, far more interesting than the other things I got, beyond what's above:

The Joshua Tree-U2 (BIG fan, saw them in November. Utterly amazing)

Velvet Goldmine soundtrack

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by...someguynamedjames. As a US history student with a "ZOMG I KNW EVRY THNG" kind of teacher, this should be an interesting read. Especially since it apparently disses our textbook!

A replacement copy of TLJ; my disks got scratched up years ago, and since the current computer couldn't run it that well anyway, I never bothered to replace them. Now, it's 2005 and...well...2.8GHZ P4w/HT and a gig of RAM, basically.

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II; I LOVED Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. This game was $10 on Amazon, so why not?

If anyone's looking for another copy of TLJ, the jewel-case only version is $9.99 on Amazon. I assume it doesn't come with the manual etc., so if you're in my position and looking for a replacement copy, this is perfect.

SamNMax 12-28-2005 08:53 AM

Money (Planning to buy the LSL collection and some clothing)
A few gift cards (Two spent on Quake 4 for 360 because Best Buy has nothing else, others spent on CD from Borders)
Call of Duty 2 360
Tex Murphy: Overseer
The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection Volume 8
Batman: The Animated Series Collection Volume 1
Batman Begins DVD
Batman: Son of the Demon
The Seinfeld Collection Seasons 5 & 6 Special Edition (The one with the puffy shirt replica)

Tramboi 12-28-2005 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by such great heights
Bright, shiny, new red Doc Martens, 10i. They'll complement my 18i black pair nicely. As soon as they're broken in and stop giving me blisters, that is...ouch.

Red-red or oxblood?

(I **** a pair of 10 hole steelcapped DM's every year, they are not that solid :) )

Melanie68 12-28-2005 09:12 AM

ATTWN game, Box set - The Essential Johnny Cash, James Blunt CD (don't pan me), new Betty Crocker cookbook, Cary Grant biography, C.S. Lewis book (a collection of daily readings), gift card from Borders, earrings, watch, knick knack things.

Talas 12-28-2005 09:20 AM

I got a telescope, a Milan jersey, some movies, some CDs, money, F.E.A.R. for PC and lots of blank DVDs.

And for some reason I got all the Narnia books even if I didn't like the movie that much.

Edit: I found a picture.

RLacey 12-28-2005 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Melanie68
James Blunt CD (don't pan me)

Methinks you deserve it.


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