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Ashok 11-20-2011 04:10 AM

To The Moon
Anyone get this new indie adventure game, To The Moon?

The game looks pretty interesting, but I can't get it to work in Windows 7. Downloaded the demo and the game starts but there is no cursor. :frown:

MoonBird 11-20-2011 04:19 AM

wow! Looks like something i will be trying! Thank you for letting me know!

Elena 11-20-2011 06:24 AM

Oohh!!Love those games!!Remind me of old school games..
I'm a great fan of Aldorlea games,especially of the Millennium series and i love the Aveyond series as well (Amaranth games). :)

MoonBird 11-20-2011 07:06 AM

RPG without combat! Finally its true! :9~:P:D:9

TheLongestJourney 11-20-2011 07:50 AM

I tried the demo and it worked fine in Windows 64-bit. I will be buying it when it goes on sale.

Monolith 11-20-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by MoonBird (Post 594114)
RPG without combat! Finally its true! :9~:P:D:9

You haven't played 'the Mirror Lied' have you. Same creator, and its free. :D It is a great little adventure. :)

Actually isn't this an adventure more than an RPG? Just a different perspective since none of the gameplay mechanics from an RPG are in it.

MoonBird 11-20-2011 08:49 PM

Monolith, No, I haven't... have to give it a go. RPG or adventure... either way, it's a fantastic mix :)

dave_minall 11-23-2011 03:20 PM

Gamespot have just reviewed this and RAVED about it - I'll be buying it friday :D

Read the review here:

fov 11-30-2011 05:13 PM

I loved it. I hope some AGers will try it out and post what you thought about it (favorite parts, etc.) I want to talk about this game and don't have anyone to talk to. :sad:


Originally Posted by Ashok (Post 594100)
The game looks pretty interesting, but I can't get it to work in Windows 7. Downloaded the demo and the game starts but there is no cursor. :frown:

Shot in the dark, but try alt-enter to toggle between windowed mode and full screen?

Rolandesch 12-01-2011 03:00 AM

I just finished the game and have to say it is one of my favourite this year if not of all time. I played the first hour or so during a busy day and once I realized the beauty of the story the dialouges and music I stopped immediately and contiuned playing it over night so there would be no interruptions. The lack of interactivity with the game wasn't a problem for me since everything was done at such a high level it was easy to get swept away and even at points want to skip some parts of the puzzles just to continue the story. The retro graphics took me back to my childhood and have to admit I cried a few times and not just because of the story but also because of a nostalgic longing for games like this. Today I am going back to finish a few games I never did which I consider to be RPG sins :) and before I go way off topic I just want to recommend the game to all adventure lovers, it will only take 4-5 hours to play it and if you don't mind the lack of interactivity it is a game you will surely enjoy

xxax 12-01-2011 05:55 AM

Wow... This game is a testament to how involved you can get with a game if the story is there... I don't remember when a game touched me as much as this one. Seriously in the last chapter i was all teary eyed... Amazing...

Elena 12-01-2011 08:55 AM

Hmm,everybody is impressed by the game..I'll give it a shot. :)

Monolith 12-01-2011 03:00 PM

Wow, I can't wait to play this.

Surprised no one played 'the Mirror Lied' which is free and pretty short yet is a great testament more so than this game that you can still get very emotional.

Elena 12-01-2011 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Monolith (Post 594897)

Surprised no one played 'the Mirror Lied' which is free and pretty short yet is a great testament more so than this game that you can still get very emotional.

I've played the game.It was kind of intense..I remember i read about the film that inspired the game,Why the Anderson children didn't come to dinner,and i want to see the film too.

zane 12-01-2011 04:05 PM

i just played through this... and its cute. High on emotion and low on logic... and really low on gameplay (its almost a visual novel). I liked it though. My favorite parts were some of the funnier moments, namely when..
theyr getting desperate trying to figure out why he wants to go to the moon and they do things like have nasa visit the school gym. Prettty funny.

id score it 7/10 and will definitely be watching to see what else these devs come up with.

fov 12-01-2011 07:30 PM

Yes, I loved that part too. Very funny. :D


I also really liked how scenes you thought you understood took on new meaning after you saw the earliest memories. It's not easy to tell a story that way.

TimovieMan 12-01-2011 11:17 PM

*adding this and The Mirror Lied to my list of games to play*

Martin Gantefoehr 12-02-2011 01:27 AM

The game is awesome.

xxax 12-02-2011 04:56 AM

I loved
the idea to use the TARDIS to move the piano and then both commenting how the would both watch that

dave_minall 12-02-2011 05:48 AM

This is the first indie game I've played in a long time, and it was absolutely incredible. A game hasn't moved me this much in an awful long time - it is very low on gameplay but the story makes up for that tenfold. Definitely worth a purchase, you won't regret it.

Monolith 12-02-2011 11:59 AM

Started playing. Damn I love this game. So emotional. Yes its safe to say this is an adventure game not an RPG, especially since its all point and click and nothing RPG related.

diego 12-02-2011 12:38 PM

"You're SO getting resetted" :D

Ok, i finished it, and there's a lot of things to say but in a nutshell - games like these make me wish i was a millionaire so i could give it all to inspiring independent developers :7

Now, the game is not perfect. It's hardly a game, but it's "perfection" lies in what it is trying to tell, and is doing it in an extraordinary way. I could bring my selfish, traditional-adventurous side and complain about repeated puzzles, lack of challenge, lack of puzzles... but that wouldn't matter much since we're dealing with the game that makes you look at things, people around you... life - a little bit different and clearer. I'm not sure honestly how would everything work in a more puzzle-oriented environment.

Obviously - story, sharp writing AND music makes this a worthwhile experience. It reminded me a bit of one of my favourite movies - Open Your Eyes but the narrative is quite original, and i was wrong that first 15 minutes of Up can't be repeated :) Subtle humor is similar to VGA classics, because since there's no speech, much is achieved by clever use of text and delays between lines, along with the small gestures characters make. Also, kids think and speak like kids, adults like adults... a trap into which many bigger projects fall. I think i haven't seen such good independent writing since Cirque De Zale

I liked how story takes many little turns but it doesn't feel "cheap" along the way. Maybe, there were some instances where i expected something different, and somehow i think the story peak as for me was
when they were kids at the amusement park
before the actual ending, as somehow things and additions after that happened fast, but it doesn't really take anything from the experience. The music is quite nice, like the first one in the woods and River's theme. I tried short covers on a guitar of it :P:


Originally Posted by fov (Post 594907)

the expression on his face was hilarious in that scene :D and the way he was described under Items:
Village idiot :D

zane 12-02-2011 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Monolith (Post 594929)
Yes its safe to say this is an adventure game not an RPG, especially since its all point and click and nothing RPG related.

yeah its sad that most review sites are still labelling this as an rpg. Its almost like they dont know what else to call it because they forgot what an adventure game is :-|
The only thing remotely connecting it to an rpg is the art style (and one joke).

fov 12-02-2011 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by diego (Post 594930)
I liked how story takes many little turns but it doesn't feel "cheap" along the way. Maybe, there were some instances where i expected something different, and somehow i think the story peak as for me was
when they were kids at the amusement park
before the actual ending, as somehow things and additions after that happened fast, but it doesn't really take anything from the experience.

This was the scene where I really lost it the first time. (Before that I'd sniffled here and there, but I was just bawling.) Possibly because of this, I kind of missed the reasoning behind why

River had to be "removed."

On my second playthrough I got it and the scene (and everything that comes afterward) was even more poignant.

As far as things happening fast after that, as I alluded to in the review, I didn't really like that once the docs figured out what to do,

Rosalene goes off and does it and Watts/the player have no involvement. I felt Watts' helplessness and also really liked how he had changed as a character, but I think the ending could have been much stronger if it had been "my" decision, not Dr. Rosalene's, that ultimately led to the happy ending.


the expression on his face was hilarious in that scene :D and the way he was described under Items:
Village idiot :D

If you check out the notes again later on, his description changes to something like

A pretty cool guy.

I'm not sure what prompted the change but I thought it was a neat touch. In fact several of the items had descriptions that changed over time, I thought those were nice details.

Keregioz 12-03-2011 12:29 AM

Any thoughts on the final scene
where dr. Watts takes the painkillers? I kinda thought that he actually somehow was using the machine on himself so he can be together with Eva and had to take the painkiller to be able to remain in this state. Although, I'm not sure it makes any sense... but there was this red flash and heartbeat that was the same when the old man was close to dying. I'm probably reading too much in to it?

rtrooney 12-04-2011 06:48 PM

Just purchased the game. Per my comment on your review, I hope this will not do to me what UP did.

zane 12-04-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Keregioz (Post 594948)
Any thoughts on the final scene

my thoughts are this: it definitely suggests the scene is somebodies memory. So it must be the memory of one of the two doctors (unless somebody else watched this from a hiding spot...) Neil seems like the most likely candidate, but it wouldnt surprize me too much of if it was eva somehow. Either way, the implication seems to be in a future game we'l be playing inside the memory of one of the doctors.

TimovieMan 12-05-2011 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by rtrooney (Post 595026)
Just purchased the game. Per my comment on your review, I hope this will not do to me what UP did.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is this "UP" of which you speak? :crazy:

Oh, you probably meant the movie 'Up'.
Christ, I was thinking either UPtimist did something to you :D or UP was an acronym for a game...
Boy, is my face red... :frusty::pan:

Monolith 12-05-2011 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by TimovieMan (Post 595037)
Forgive my ignorance, but what is this "UP" of which you speak? :crazy:

Oh, you probably meant the movie 'Up'.
Christ, I was thinking either UPtimist did something to you :D or UP was an acronym for a game...
Boy, is my face red... :frusty::pan:

UPtimist is virtually molesting people now!?!??! haha I didn't think of that. lol But yeah, I thought of the movie immediately since it was so sad.

J.H 12-05-2011 04:20 PM

This looks incredible. Lucky for me I'm off sick for a week, this will sort me out nicely.

rtrooney 12-06-2011 12:17 PM

I know this is probably a technical question, but I can't seem to get the game to load properly. When I install it, I get three icons, rather than one on my desktop. Only one starts the game. I don't know what the other two do, but they can't be deleted without uninstalling the entire game. Also when the opening screen comes up, Begin, Load and Exit are the three options. Begin brings up the Load screen as does Load. Load what? I haven't done anything that can be saved?

rtrooney 12-06-2011 07:18 PM

Nevermind. I really don't know why this should have been the case, but I toggled to Windows view, was able to start the game, toggled back to full screen, and was able to continue.

rtrooney 12-06-2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by TimovieMan (Post 595037)
Oh, you probably meant the movie 'Up'.
Boy, is my face red... :frusty::pan:

You got it right. My comment to FOV re: the game also referrenced the sadness of the first 20 minutes of the movie "UP".

TimovieMan 12-07-2011 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by rtrooney (Post 595166)
You got it right. My comment to FOV re: the game also referrenced the sadness of the first 20 minutes of the movie "UP".

Thank you for confirming that I'll cry like a baby when playing this... :)

Will probably get weird looks from the wife again, too... :D

rtrooney 12-07-2011 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by TimovieMan (Post 595183)
Thank you for confirming that I'll cry like a baby when playing this... :)

If it is anything like UP, I'll probably have to call into work and take a sick day. It's the most emotional piece of film I've ever seen

rtrooney 12-13-2011 06:30 PM

I've got to admit that I am having a hard time with this game. It is beautifully designed, and has wonderful music. But I don't know what I am supposed to be doing. I'm running around this Anime-styled set and nothing progesses. It's quite possible I don't understand the "style" of the game.

As previously posted, I was expecting a tearful ending, but I see no way to get there.

At $11.99 US this is an incredible bargain, kind of....

fov 12-14-2011 08:31 AM

How far along are you? Have you started using the machine yet?

If not, the very early portion is like a traditional adventure game.
Go up to the house and knock on the door, then chat with the people a bit, then as one of the doctors go talk to the kids and ultimately have them lead you to the secret room. After this you can choose either to explore a little more or to go back to the bedroom to fire up the memory machine.

If you're already in the memory scenes, your main objective here is to find five "memory links" so you can proceed to the next scenes. The colored balls at the bottom of the screen show how many you've found (they're grayed out until you find the corresponding memories). They're pretty easy to find if you do some exploring -- click on various items and people around the environments and walk around. Once you've found all five, you select and "shoot" at the item that will take you to the next memory (the one that has a shield around it when you initially select it) to progress, then solve the little tile puzzle, then you jump back a step in the timeline.

That's really all there is to it -- not much meat to the gameplay, but once you get sucked in it (hopefully) won't matter.

rtrooney 12-14-2011 07:29 PM

I'm missing something. From everything you've said, this is too good a game to give up on.

MartyMcFly 12-15-2011 05:40 AM

I'm glad to see this game getting so much attention in the AG forums! It just goes to show that budget can't stop a talented indie developer making something truly memorable. Here is my review if anybody is interested:

To The Moon (PC) Review - Alternative Magazine Online

I also have an interview with the game's creator Kan Gao - he also composed the lovely soundtrack - going live soon! :D

Lucien21 12-17-2011 05:45 PM

I literally tore through this game in one sitting. (It's now 1:30 am, but I couldn't stop playing it.)

I really enjoyed the story and the music (which really fit the narrative). The humour generated between the two doctors was a perfect foil for the tone of the John/River story. It kept it from going to far into the sappyness. (or as Neil puts it at one point "a big cheesefest")

The only thing was the lack of any actual gameplay. The little that there was was simple and straightforward, but there was times I hankered for more interaction, esp at the end I would have liked the choice or at least influence the choice.

In the end if you fancy a seriously good story and some great music and don't mind the primitive graphics and lack of any actual game then this is for you. I would recommend snapping it up.

Only one question that I was curious about...

What was actually wrong with River?

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