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bbk5 07-29-2006 09:21 AM

Sierra Compilations Finally Shipping?
I just got an order update from Amazon concerning my order for the Space Quest & Kings Quest Compilations that the ship date got moved up to August 4, 2006! I've had these on order for around a year and the ship date kept being pushed back. Has anyone heard any concrete information from Sierra as to whether these will really ship next week?

Dale Baldwin 07-29-2006 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by bbk5
Has anyone heard any concrete information from Sierra as to whether these will really ship next week?

No. Vivendi still hasn't said that they even exist.

PolloDiablo 07-29-2006 11:20 AM

Please do let us know the minute you receive them, so we can order too! :D

Dasilva 07-30-2006 09:03 AM

Once I see it on then I'll be convinced. :P

Randy22 07-30-2006 09:12 AM

Sierra Compilations Finally Shipping?
I received an e-mail from Amazon also that the compilations would be shipping sooner than expected. My dates fall into the Aug 11th to 24th range.
Let's hope they're really going to ship this time.

Luke 07-30-2006 10:13 AM

I just got that e-mail, too. Why the heck Vivendi isn't doing any PR or promotion for them is beyond me. I'll believe it when I see those boxes in my mailbox. :P

Gonchi 07-30-2006 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Luke
Why the heck Vivendi isn't doing any PR or promotion for them is beyond me.

I'd say it's probably because they don't exist, but maybe I'm just being cynical.

Toefur 07-30-2006 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Gonchi
I'd say it's probably because they don't exist.

I think you may be onto something there.

artwking4 07-30-2006 06:19 PM

Ha! The joke will be on all of you naysayers when these compilations actually do ship in a few years! Later, jerkwads! HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!:devil::D

PolloDiablo 08-10-2006 09:33 AM

Any news? :)

Randy22 08-28-2006 02:15 PM

Slipped again.
I received an e-mail from Amazon the other day that my order had changed. When I checked it out the delivery date had changed to January 2007. Oh well, since it doesn't cost me anything I'll just let the order ride and see what happens. Besides what's the worst that could happen? Sierra just wont get my money.

Kolzig 08-29-2006 02:01 PM

I seriously doubt that these collections of yours will never see the light of day and get released, but anyways Vivendi's site has been recently(?) updated with pics of each of the collections box covers.

King's Quest and Police Quest covers look just like the old collections, but Larry and Space Quest covers have totally new art on the cover according to those pages.

And those pages claim that all of those will be released Fall 2006

AFGNCAAP 08-29-2006 02:10 PM

Vivendi's site? Do they exist after all?

I actually love that SQ cover, by the way. :D

Kolzig 08-29-2006 02:39 PM

Well, who ever bought Vivendi, I don't even remember which firm owns the Sierra trademark name these days.

The game business is filled with dead companies still alive only because their name is still in use.

ATMachine 08-29-2006 02:40 PM

Now why on earth is someone at Vivendi getting paid to make cover art for products that DON'T EXIST?

On another note, the LSL collection box boasts "5 full games!" Whoever made up the art probably doesn't even know how many Larry games there were. :shifty:

Also the KQ collection cover art looks like a reference to the KQ7 cover, only a thousand times better looking. Plus the characters are different--looks like Manannan and Alex from KQ3, along with the dragon.

BTW Kolzig, as I recall the old KQ Collection box just had a crown and crossed swords on a background of lightning. And the KQ Anthology before that had a stylizd image of King Graham randomly pointing somewhere. So the Vivendi KQ art does seem to be newly minted as well.

Interesting that whoever made the SQ cover remembers the teaser poster for ROTJ.

Eivind 08-29-2006 02:45 PM

Hey, that's cool! Guess the compilations are not so far away, after all! I really like the King's Quest box :9

CrimsonBlue 08-29-2006 02:45 PM

The collection doesn't necessarily include Love for Sail, which is the sixth game. Which is a shame.

Number four never existed, remember? It looks like it's the same old compilation of Larry games that came out before Love for Sail and Magma Cum Laude. Which means it's got 1,2,3,5 and 6.

And if they work on XP, that's fine by me. Though I wish they include Love for Sail.

Kolzig 08-29-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by ATMachine
BTW Kolzig, as I recall the old KQ Collection box just had a crown and crossed swords on a background of lightning. And the KQ Anthology before that had a stylizd image of King Graham randomly pointing somewhere. So the Vivendi KQ art does seem to be newly minted as well.

Yeah, well truth is that I only own the Police Quest collection so I guess I remembered the KQ collection box cover incorrectly.

rtrooney 08-29-2006 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kolzig
Well, who ever bought Vivendi, I don't even remember which firm owns the Sierra trademark name these days.

It's Vivendi Universal that owns the brand and its products, but I think they are the fifth or sixth company, including mergers, acquisions and divestitures to do so.

AFGNCAAP 08-29-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by AFGNCAAP
Vivendi's site? Do they exist after all?

"They" = "the compilations". Sorry for the confusion. :)

RLacey 08-29-2006 03:02 PM

So the King's Quest collection doesn't contain Mask of Eternity?

Go figure.

:EDIT: There's some nice box art there. The Larry one looks fairly lame, though.

ATMachine 08-29-2006 05:26 PM

Hmm. I guess I misremembered the KQ7 cover, because now that I look again at it there's a whirlpool thingy in the middle and not a crystal ball. Oh well.

The new collection cover actually has more of a resemblance to the original KQ3 box art. Although notice the picture in the crystal ball has changed: in the original it's just Gwydion looking rather wretched inside a prison cell, while the new one has Prince Alexander, in full armor, fighting the dragon with a sword (most decidedly not how he dispatches it in the game. I guess Vivendi is hoping to trick people into buying it with a fake hint at an action sequence?).

fov 08-29-2006 06:39 PM

Wow. I'll admit, I'm pretty surprised.

Cool, though. Maybe these will finally happen (something I was never opposed to ;)).

Gonchi 08-29-2006 06:53 PM

... I wanted a Gabriel Knight collection. ;(

Kinda bummed that they're partial collections... why re-release them without the latest entries? :crazy:

fov 08-29-2006 06:57 PM

Could mean they're just including the games from the last collections (retooled for XP).

If they exist at all. I'm still not convinced, mind you.

Gonchi 08-29-2006 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by fov
Could mean they're just including the games from the last collections (retooled for XP).

Yeah, I guess so... Am I the only one who thinks that would suck though?

fov 08-29-2006 07:16 PM

I don't think it would suck, but then I don't really consider Mask of Eternity, the SWAT games, or Magna Cum Laude to be parts of the original series.

Gonchi 08-29-2006 07:25 PM

Could be, but what about Lust for Sail and the remakes?

Scoville 08-29-2006 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by fov
Could mean they're just including the games from the last collections (retooled for XP).

If they exist at all. I'm still not convinced, mind you.

The last Larry collection had Love for Sail, Casino, Softporn Adventure, and the Larry 1 remake for a total of nine games, not five.

Spiwak 08-29-2006 08:19 PM

Man, you guys actually fell for that? Don't you know what day it is?

Lunatik 08-29-2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by ATMachine
Now why on earth is someone at Vivendi getting paid to make cover art for products that DON'T EXIST?

Ha ha ha ha ha! You know, I'm beginning to think that the folks at Vivendi are VERY funny. Great post ATMachine, I laughed at it for about five minutes! :D

Oh, well...

fov 08-30-2006 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Scoville
The last Larry collection had Love for Sail, Casino, Softporn Adventure, and the Larry 1 remake for a total of nine games, not five.

I was responding specifically to this: "why re-release them without the latest entries?"

In a perfect world where these compilations exist and I get to eat whipped cream for breakfast every morning without gaining any weight, of course I'd want games like Softporn Adventure and the remakes and any other classic quest goodies they happen to have lying around to be included in these collections. But would the exclusion of LSL:MCL or Mask of Eternity or SWAT keep me from buying them? Hell no. ;)

(And however you slice it, a Larry collection with only 5 games in it would be incomplete.)

Junkface 08-30-2006 06:44 AM

I saw the Leisure Suit Larry Ultimate Pleasure Pack new, sealed for $50 in a game shop last week and went home to check how much it would cost me on Ebay. When I went back the next day it was gone. In other words, this new collection better include everything that did so I can stop self-flaggelating.

sirwinsalot 08-30-2006 10:51 AM

The red-headed stepchild
I will not address the actuality of these games---I have had various luck with using emulators to get my original compilations to work---

I am just mad that Police Quest is on that Vivendi list, and not Quest for Glory?!

Big thumbs down for whoever made that call.

Filmman 08-30-2006 03:07 PM

I love the Space Quest Box cover it like sweet But hear question will they be in store?

Scoville 08-30-2006 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by fov
In a perfect world where these compilations exist and I get to eat whipped cream for breakfast every morning without gaining any weight, of course I'd want games like Softporn Adventure

Are you sure? In my perfect world, games like Softporn Adventure are never made. That game was awful.

fov 08-30-2006 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Scoville
Are you sure? In my perfect world, games like Softporn Adventure are never made. That game was awful.


I wouldn't know, I never played it. :o

Scoville 08-30-2006 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by fov

I wouldn't know, I never played it. :o

Surrrrrre. Or you're just embarrassed to admit you played a game with "porn" in the title.

EvilMulder 08-30-2006 10:48 PM

Well, real or not, I think all four have really excellent box art. :)

BerserkerTails 08-31-2006 12:20 AM

All I want from these collections is the ability to play these games in XP, full screen, with no upscaling "graphical enhancements". I don't want super crazy "look we smoothed out the pixels, durrr!" filters, I don't want the games to look blurry, I just want them nice and smooth. How hard is it to just double pixels anyway?

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