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adventurefan 02-10-2006 03:20 AM

Adventure games and RPGS - a possible way of making multiplayer adventures real
Inspired by a fairly old idea that mulitplayer adventure games would be too difficult to excute, and having recently discovered Runescape, I noticed several similarities in the RPG layout and adventures. (which is probably why I'm now addicted to runescape!)
This got me thinking about how a multiplayer adventure game could be created using similar means, but rather than wandering and completing individual tasks as one does in an RPG, retaining a solid sense of purpose and story that are found in adventure games. For one, this would make the game far less linear than a traditional adventure game, and also would be more interactive, as for certain puzzles, the help of other players would need to be enlisted. (Or you could just get tips off other players)

Kurufinwe 02-10-2006 03:47 AM

That's more or less what's Uru was supposed to be. Obviously it didn't work, but maybe they just didn't prepare it well (and maybe the world wasn't yet ready for it --- few people had broadband connections at the time).

I doubt anyone will be willing to risk the kind of money that sort of project needs anytime soon. :frown:

KriD 02-10-2006 06:17 AM

Isn`t that what this is going to be? Wether it will ever happen is a different question.

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