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jp-30 09-22-2005 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by AudioSoldier
The problem with this episodic format is that you feel compelled to buy the games in order, so as to experience the story coherently. I think Telltale will seriously have to re-evaluate their $20 price tag if they wish to release nine Bone games. I for one would not pay $180 for, say, twenty hours of gameplay. How about you all?

Well, either Telltale change the price, or up the length of the future episodes. -Edward



Originally Posted by
Currently, Telltale has plans to release all four Bone episodes individually for $20 each, but the company is considering ways to combine all the games together, offer a discount for players who buy all four, and even possibly release the game on other platforms like the Mac (a favorite of Bone creator Jeff Smith).

Now I don't believe for a second that there will only be 4 episodes (especially given the length of the first episode), but I doubt there will be 9 either. I'm thinking probably 6 AND there are talks about discounts for those who buy all of them.

artwking4 09-22-2005 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by jp-30
I'm thinking probably 6 AND there are talks about discounts for those who buy all of them.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't imagine buying only certain parts of the series when the story is continued in each episode. I can't stand missing sections of a story. Like pages and chapters ripped out of a book...

jp-30 09-22-2005 01:35 PM

Oh, I agree. I'm just thinking that that may offer some comfort to those people saying $20 x 9 games is way too much to outlay (even if spread over the course of 3 or so years).

ie. Probably not going to be 9 games, and there may be a discount scheme introduced at some stage.

gillyruless 09-22-2005 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by jp-30
Oh, I agree. I'm just thinking that that may offer some comfort to those people saying $20 x 9 games is way too much to outlay (even if spread over the course of 3 or so years).

ie. Probably not going to be 9 games, and there may be a discount scheme introduced at some stage.

How would they introduce the discount scheme? Would it be something like after they release three games, right before releasing the fourth, they will offer the first three for lets say $30. Something like that? What about the people who already bought the first three episodes? Would they get anything?I personally think they set the price point too high and unless things change with the next release, they will be losing a lot of business. I just do not see people continuing to pay $20 every 6 months or so for a 4 hour game.

jp-30 09-22-2005 02:08 PM

I read it that if you've bought the first (for argument's sake) 3 Bone games, you'll get a substantial discount on the fourth.

Though this is all speculation at this point - other than that one statement in the interview, nothing further has been said.

natalia 09-26-2005 10:08 AM

Well I purchased Bone and while I'm having fun playing it, 20$ is really too much to pay for what we get. If the second game isn't substantially longer, I definitely won't be spending another 20$ on it.

Udvarnoky 09-26-2005 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by gillyruless
I just do not see people continuing to pay $20 every 6 months or so for a 4 hour game.

I still say that's not that bad a deal, but the discount could be applied to future games based on whether or not you bought the previous.

EDIT: Whoops. Apparently JP beat me.

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