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Old 12-17-2004, 04:59 PM   #16
Game Designer
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Originally Posted by kwbridge
Interesting anecdote here - I am female but didn't really start playing games until 4 years ago. Prior to that I had played a couple - Dragon Lore, Grim Fandango and Blade Runner. I did, however, buy Bad Mojo when it came out even though I had never played a computer game. (Boy do I wish I had known to keep the box and everything). I played until the stove and got stuck, really stuck. I even found someone online that I emailed for help but I still couldn't get through it. I never did finish the game but am planning on replaying it soon.

And why did I buy it? I have no idea - I wanted to buy a game, didn't know anything about them and chose Bad Mojo. And I HATE roaches - I lived in Tucson for 10 years where they are enormous and even fly. Be thankful if you've never stepped on one in the middle of the night in your bare feet
be thankful one never crawled in your mouth while you were, metallic.
Listening to: Pigs squealing in fear.
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