Thread: Half Life II
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Old 11-19-2004, 10:29 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by B100d
I start up the game a day after I've seen the online reviews by a bunch of idiots all calling themselves proffesional game critics. I knew the graphics didn't compare to Doom III, but Half Life claimed to be a groundbreaking game when it was released in 1999 and it got how many game of the year awards. I was hoping for something new to change the FPS genre like Deus Ex changed it last I was hoping for a bigger variety in gameplay rather than run and gun. I found myself going from place to place shooting all the what I call dumb enemies (After gabe promised great AI it is pathetic). But the thing that p****d me of the most is IGN's review it is pathetic I feel only one big reviewer got it close to right and that is Gamespot and they still overrated the main feel of the game. I found myself mindlessly blasting everappearing aliens and I started to get frustrated because the gameplay sucks a dogs ass.
Don't gimme the crap of Half Life II having better graphics than DOOM III because it doesn't compare (DOOM III looks millions of billions of times better).
Dude WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? DOOM 3 has better animation than HL2? Did you see the faces of people in HL2? The details are stunning. And the outside environments are breathtaking. DOOM 3 took a really cheap way to graphics, dim everything up and use lights. Everything is dark most of the time, you can't really tell if it looks that pretty or not.

I do have a monster of a machine now and a GEForce 6800 NVidia card. DOOM 3 is a little itsy bitsy sluggish on my system so I have to play it at 800-600. HL2 on the other hand, runs like a dream even at 1024 by 768. And it was designed mostly for the ATI cards (ATI payed 6 mil to sponsor the project). so Graphics wise, I agree with the reviewers.

As far as gameplay goes, I haven't played HL2 enough to judge, but based on the reviews, there is MUCH MUCH more varied gameplay than DOOM 3. First of all The physics engine is really cool. You can use the environment for your protection and their are a few physics based puzzles (I've encountered one).

You have the squad based parts where people accompany you, shoot with you etc... There is the all too wonderful gravity gun, that emphasizes the use of the physics engine brilliantly. And then there are those sections where you drive a vehicle. DOOM 3???? SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT...

So sorry mate, but gotta agree with the reviewers on this one.
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