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Old 11-08-2004, 03:19 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Flux
So it all boils down to the inevitable question of taste, doesn't it? Well there you have it, you like it because of the story. That's a valid reason, and stressing that I never said that one couldn't like FFVII, I still think it has aged poorly. That's not so much a question of taste; I'm tempted to blame it on nostalgia if you can't see how the game isn't exactly an example of joyous playability.

I'm not going into it a whole lot because I don't want this to be an endless foodfight, but it's still my opinion/suspicion that a frighteningly lot of people rate FFVII so highly because of the following factors:
1- it was the first real Japanese RPG they ever played
2- it was the first game they ever played featuring a somewhat deeper story than they had yet seen
3- They were young
In one word: nostalgia. That's no shame. But I'm just real sorry that I'll have to live my whole life surrounded by people who will NEVER let go of their positive prejudices towards FFVII, forever getting smacked because I see the game for what it is: just a game. Not the revelatory epiphany like it was for so many.
Maybe it would help if you describe what you mean when you say that FF7 has aged poorly. Because to me it looks like it's aged pretty well. Sure, the graphics aren't as great by today's standards, but the gameplay is still about as good as any RPG you're likely to find today. Also, I'm not sure how much nostalgia is a factor in a game that was released in 1997. It's old, but it's not as though it's '80s old. I'm sure for many people it was their first Japanese RPG or the first game they played with a deep story. But to me it's more than that. Final Fantasy VII was the best Japanese RPG, and it had the best story. And I think that's why people love it so much. There's nothing in it that really changes gaming as we know it, but what it does, it does extremely well.

So I think it's mostly, as you say, a matter of taste.

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