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Old 10-07-2004, 10:45 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens
I'm talking about games on all platforms. ten years or so ago it was an alternative lifestyle to be a gamer, and although there were great titles coming out the ratio of crappy games I think were comparatively small. This is because there were very few 'fly-by-night' companies who just want to cash in on the gaming market yet, gaming culture was not a force to be reckoned with. There was competition b/t companies but nowhere near as much as today. Now, however, gaming has become all pervasive (culturally, politically, sociologically), the market is huge, and the chance to make money is there. So you have Hollywood, for example, taking advantage of it, mega companies compete with each other, developers are pressured to finish games by deadline, screw the quality.
Here's a thought though. Because of todays fierce competition, companies that make crappy games (license games not included) won't last for long. That wasn't the case some years back when the cost of making a game was far lower than today. Back then you could make a crappy game and still survive, that's not possible to the same extent anymore. The only exception is the license games where you, as you said, can make bad games, knowing that they will still sale in shitloads.
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