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Old 09-25-2004, 08:00 AM   #31
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But can you see yourself playing Broken Sword on the bus or metro?
If I had a long commute, sure. It's a lot more convenient than whipping out a laptop on the bus.

I put down the middle option (was it Certainly Interested?) because I tend to be pretty lazy about buying the latest and greatest cell phone. (Actually, I always opt for whichever crappy phone comes free with the plan. ) But I have been in situations where I play games on my cell phone and wish for better games - recently I was at a 4-day trade show, standing for 8 hours / day in our booth trying to entice very busy doctors in to look at our products. Very busy doctors at trade shows tend to be very interested in our free pens and not so interested in the patient education samples we're giving away (go figure). And the only game my cell phone had on it to keep me entertained all those long hours? TENNIS. Bleh.

So yeah, I may not be willing to go out and buy the latest and greatest cell phone, but if there was an episodic adventure game out there that ran on my cell phone, I'd be very interested. Hell of a lot more interested than I am in tennis games.


ps Hi Tony! Thanks for stopping in!
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