Thread: Black Mirror
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Old 09-14-2004, 01:15 AM   #96
Evil Webmaster
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Originally Posted by timcclayton
I felt much the same about The Silver Earring - a good game marred by some poor spelling and grammar and the occasional glaring graphical error.
I think that is the main problem with adventure games nowadays. 'Important' and 'professional' software houses all abandonded the market because they clearly think they'll make more money by making GTA clones and FPSs, so they left the genre in the hands of a few well-intentioned but slightly unprofessional programmers in small SHs in Europe, mainly. Surely if one looked at this scenario, this could mean horrible amateurish games that nobody enjoys playing, except hardcore adventurers. Fortunately small SHs aren't that bad anyway and they can still make those good, if a rather unprofessional, games. Let's hope that time will be kind to those programmers and they can learn from their mistakes (if there's a 'Come Back Later' puzzle in Nibiru, I'm going to become a terorrist or something... hehe).

Anyways I said to give the player something to do, but I didn't mean something compulsory. I mean, you don't have to do small talk to 'unlock' the priest, but it's just something to make you pass the time. Of course the player can choose to not talk to anyone and just wander around aimlessly and then come back to the church.
Pushed back to square
Now that you've kneed her
In the throat
So there you go
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