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Old 08-01-2004, 02:34 PM   #146
Sly Boots
Master of Time and Space
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I'm sorry, varied gameplay wasn't exactly a good choice of words (I was thinking of Anachronox - adventure/action/RPG + minigames), although some games in the FPS genre require more than shooting, like Deus Ex, you could finish it without killing anyone.
I have to tell you, I liked the first two hours of Halo, I liked the vehicles, but the cut/paste corridors, the small number of monsters, and the lack of an inspired story determined me to stop playing it, and in the end, it really didn't seem like an elite game.
The graphics weren't special
The gameplay was good, but it didn't offer anything else BUT shooting, and I got tired of it eventually
The sound was ok
The level design was terrible, personally I think Serious Sam had much more interesting(and varied) leveles
The story was that of an uninspired Star Trek episode
The multiplayer... didn't get a chance to try it but my uncle owns a Internt Cafe and I suggested this game for multiplayer, but, though advertised, nobody played it, they preferred Counter-Strike

Overall, I'm not saying it's a bad game, but it's not what Microsoft makes us believe it to be, and I think it won't be remembered in the gaming history as a milestone.
I think the FPS milestones are:
Wolfenstein-> Doom-> Quake-> Unreal-> Half-Life -> Deus Ex
Right now, I'm not sure if Doom 3, HL2 or Far Cry is the next step.
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