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Old 07-23-2004, 04:39 PM   #14
Sky Warrior Bob
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Originally Posted by UPtimist
Hmm... In my opinion not as good as 5 Days... but that's just my opinion.
I agree & disagree. Where this game shines is character interaction. Unlike 5 Days, if something new happens, you can talk to the characters and they'll react. And with a spaceship, the setting opens up a lot of interesting interactivity.

Plot-wise, I'll agree that it leaves much to be desired. It ends up being too much of a re-telling of 5 Days, just with a new setting, minus the interesting revelations of 5 Days.

Improvements I'd suggest are as follows...
Using a Oracle/Communicative Spirit, to either fill in the gaps or otherwise relay information. And said Oracle wouln't necessarily have to spill all the beans at once, to quote Hellboy:The Lost Army : The dead were confused, as a rule. Death did that. The lure of the afterlife and the need to complete unfinished business was pretty stressfull, from all accounts.

So if you follow that kind of reasoning, the dead character could spirit in & out of the picture. Progressing the story, as needed. And just being cryptic & unhelpful enough to encourage a sense of fear & paranoia, without providing any clear course of action.

I'd also recommend expanding on the significance of the Idol. I mean, I can't believe it didn't have anything to do with the madness of the Rodrick DeFoe. Plus, given the way William was ordered about, there seemed to be some sort of method to the madness. Which suggests to me that the idol might contain an evil that is more intelligent than the twisted Defoe spirit

Heck, maybe even throw in a plot twist like making the Defoe spirit not the evil incarnate that he's been made out to be thus far. Without the idol, maybe his spirit would be similar to the childlike Frankenstein.

Sky Warrior Bob
Because breakdancing is evil, and so is the Black Mage,
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Last edited by Sky Warrior Bob; 07-23-2004 at 04:54 PM.
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