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Old 07-20-2004, 03:36 PM   #5
Sky Warrior Bob
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While I *LOVED* 5 Days a Stranger, I'm not so sure I'll be keen on this new title. I mean, part of the fun of 5 Days was the mystery, but unless its done really well, I don't like the idea of the masked killer being some sort of re-occuring villian.

Then again, maybe those sprites will only get used in a Flashback sequence, and the story will focus more on the the mysterious wooden idol. I initially thought that it had a curse upon it or something when I played the game, but then late in the game learned that it was the killing instrument the father used on the twisted misbegotten son.

However, that doesn't rule out that it had mystic properties of in its own right, and I certainly hope that's what the sequel will focus in on...

Sky Warrior Bob
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