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Old 04-10-2012, 12:49 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Banter View Post
Well, what did your granfather work with? What decade are we talking about? I didn't say that 60 years we had heaven on earth, I merely stated that middle-class man working a skilled labor job would do much better than today supporting a family. It is true.

I know UK is a socialist hellhole where many families leech off welfare, but look at the middle class. You will see that nowadays a middle class couple wanting a family and a good standard of living needs to work at least two jobs and tighten the bills. That is true everywhere in the world.

Women were treated better. Period. Fact. Many of the things you see done to women today would land you in jail back in the day. You complain for instance about negative depictions of women in the media. Many such depictions would get you a public opinion lynching back in the day.

I am now being accused of being a troll, but funny enough it is the bleeding heart feminists that can't drop the bone and keep baiting me... can't you leave it?
Banter - I would leave it but you are talking RUBBISH! Skilled labour jobs do not make you 'middle class' in this day & age & certainly didn't in the early part of the last century. You talk about middle class families - well I know plenty with families who have a good standard of living on one income! You seem to conveniently ignore that the majority of the population through the ages are in 'working class' category but would agree it's harder for them now except for some trades that can give a family a good living!

I didn't incidentally complain about negative depictions of women in the media! I also haven't accused you of being a troll. I'm also not a bleeding heart feminist.

A lot of things that were done to women in the past weren't reported - laws have only come into place in modern times to make it possible. I don't believe that women were treated any better in the past than they are today. Period!
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