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Old 04-06-2012, 03:15 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by millenia View Post
I really enjoyed Larry adventures from 1 to 7. But I really aren't that interested in remakes, reboots or sequels. I agree that Larry was a product of his time and today I want something else.

I would definitely back up some other project by the same makers but I don't really need to see Larry again.
If you like the people involved are you able to chip in some small amount to help these makers out? There seems to be a theme running through this thread of users talking themselves out of helping someone and I'm starting to suspect this reaction would have been the same even if the Kickstarter was for a new game by the same people.

"This Larry style of comedy has passed." "Why is this $500k when X is Y?"

Let's look past personal gain at the bigger picture for a moment. For many people Larry was the gateway game into the adventure genre by those who would have avoided adventure normally. It's proud of being unpretentious and that's the game's strength - something like this on Steam would go gangbusters and would help our cause in getting REAL adventure to be mainstream again instead of trying to claim games from other genres as our own like Portal or Journey (or Heavy Rain, but that opens a can of worms so strike that from the record ).

It's frustrating enough seeing publishers turn their back on Al Lowe, I couldn't bare seeing adventure gamers doing the same. I mean he's tried it all - he tried making a new IP and failed, he tries to re-introduce a classic and take back the property he created and his own base responds with ennui.

It's all coming out now.
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