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Old 04-03-2012, 06:35 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by michael1123 View Post
I think you're overreacting, Chicken Little.

I was really really hoping this was GK4 too, but this gives me more hope than I've had in years. If she creates these games and they do well, maybe she'll buy the rights to GK herself. Or at least make some kind of deal with the current owners of the rights to make another game and cut them in on the profits.

I've gotten the impression from interviews that I've read that she really does want to create more GK games, she just hasn't been able to. Maybe the rights are just too expensive for her at this time. But that may not always be the case.

And I think you are being too upbeat, Polyanna. This isn't really about money for buying the rights, otherwise Telltale wouldn't be doing King's Quest. Think they forked a fortune to get the license to do one game in the series? Unlikely. Think they would ask big bucks or play hard-ass about a series they have no plans for(i.e: GK)? Again, unlikely.

If the problem was money, kickstarter would have solved it. Remember, we are not talking about buying the IP... we are talking about licensing the development of a sequel. Telltale did that.

She's boarding up 3 series that will probably go on for many years, what exactly is getting your hopes up for the GK series rising from the grave?
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