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Old 03-18-2012, 03:52 AM   #1688
Crunchy in milk
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Originally Posted by SamandMax View Post

Even if we disagree on the ending, I hope we agree that it's at least successful enough to warrant some interesting discussion.
This is a final in a trilogy, any future games in the IP are already penciled in as taking place before or during the Mass Effect 3 timeline.
They did nothing with that freedom and sketched out 3 incredibly similar endings.

Why not let the paragons have a happy(ish) ending, The renegades have a defiant ending, and the futurists have a obscure, WTF!? technology ending. At least then the discussions would be over which was the best ending to the series.

I'd have preferred the synthesis ending to be far more obtuse. I should have been freaked out and curious but all I got was green circuit overlays. It should have been a complete dice roll.

I'd have preferred the renegade ending remain much the same, but leave the fate of synthetics to this cycle's inhabitants. A true defiance of the Reaper solution. I liked the notion that destroying the Reapers has such a huge impact on the galaxy by destroying the citadel & relays. Everyone is now stranded, in direct conflict with one another.

The Paragon ending? I don't know... would it have been so bad to let Shepard sacrifice their life to keep more of the galaxy and their legacy in tact? Its cheesy but there's desire for it, and if the other endings are different enough your bases are covered.

This is the end of a series, the endings deserved to be wildly different.
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