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Old 01-13-2012, 12:24 AM   #177
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This review weird rant is courtesy of one Ms. Noelline Coakley (from Ireland) and is entitled, appropriately enough, "Confused and angry":

I am often a little suprised at the reviews some games get, but i can understand that everybody has different tastes so it does,nt bother me. But this has me stumped this is by far the worst adventure game i have ever played,i did,nt even play it exactly i actually used a wwalkthrough for the entire thing just so i could also make a review on the storyline and plot otherwise i would have stopped lpaying right there

Lets begin with the puzzles probably the lowest point of the game they are impossible for the player to solve for the most part Some of the more ridiculous ouzzles include finding a tiny rectangular metal plate on the ground its colour almost matches the ground making it even more impossible to find but there is absoloutly no indication that you have to find this metal reangle which then makes a clicking sound and you are now able to open a plaque on the wall which before if you tried clicking on it nothing would have happend not even a click to indicate it is locked but can be opened. In another puzzle you enter a bathroom and there is a hotspot on a part of the wall the entire wall is the same with no distinguishable features but for some reason there is a hotspot on just ONE part of the wall clicking on this NOTHING brings up a mirror(??) a mirror just appears in thin air with what appears to be the reflection of a drawer in the bathroom, but when you look the actual drawer has not opened only the drawer in the mirror image and you must open the drawer in the mirror image not the real One. hows that for ridiculous. Furthermore much of what you do you dont know why you you need to do that, it lacks purpose and logic.

As for the plot it leaves alot of unexplained questions one of the characters "two siamese twins" are seen seperate in one clip, this is never explained or even referenced ever again, there alot of things like that, and the character animations are just terrible they have no facial expression the character xxxxxxx has a constant grin on his face and for some reason his arms are constantly flailing about the place as he talks, actually all the characters are like that. You will find nothing in this game, If i were a game develop giving a presentation on what NOT to do in an adventure game id bring this along as an example.
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