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Old 01-10-2012, 02:51 PM   #39
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Well, I don't know exactly where to jump in here but I'll address the OP.

The controls of console and handheld gaming forced adventure to innovate. If you've ever played one of the Discworld games on a Playstation you'll see how cumbersome using the directional pad to move the cursor is. The development team at Capcom had to be more conscientious of how the gamer is going to interact with the DS when they worked on Ghost Trick. You can tell the designer of that game liked the idea of possessing objects and put a lot of thought into how to execute that function with the DS controls. There's a reason why you draaaag the stylus across the screen to possess different objects rather than just click on two different objects on the screen.

In another thread I'm arguing for a new paradigm in game development where the narrative dictates the game's mechanics rather than trying to stuff the narrative into conventional game mechanics (like Uncharted 3) and the team behind Ghost Trick really exemplify what I want to see more of. But so far it's only scratching the surface.
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