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Old 09-26-2011, 08:56 AM   #40
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Chennai, India
Posts: 141

Just finished the second part. The game is still going nicely with a good pacing.

One puzzle where I was completely stumped and had to consult a walkthrough.

I never realised that the password was supposed to be a word. With it drummed into our head never to keep password an english word, I tried all sorts of other combinations. Forwards, reverse, looking at the paper upside down, replacing numbers for letters, combination of letters and numbers etc. Finally looked at the walkthrough and what do you know, its an anagram puzzle!

Another one where I was stuck for a long while, but eventually realised where I was going wrong.

If ever you decide to do the time zone conversion on the Internet, keep in mind that San Fransisco and Paris are currently observing daylight savings, while Sydney is NOT. So the conversion will come out wrong as far as the game puzzle is concerned.
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