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Old 05-26-2011, 12:10 AM   #30
She Wants Revenge
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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Posts: 494

I thought the ending was actually very good. If it seemed silly to you why not just believe
that Max was insane? It was never actually completely cleared up if the Death was real or just in Max's head.

Personally I like endings you can interpret in many ways. Like lots of people were somehow embarrassed by the end of 'The Knowing' because of its religious tones. Some people were sure it was proof that religion was right, others were sure it was proof that religion was wrong. The same with MM, you can believe one way or the other and honestly I think the ending is done pretty decently then.
Currently playing: AlternativA, Diablo III
Recently finished: Hector - Episode 1, Dear Esther, Gemini Rue, Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper, Blackwell trilogy
All-time favourites: Discworld Noir, Gabriel Knight trilogy
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