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Old 04-03-2011, 03:10 PM   #26
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Yeah I think I can agree with most people here.. 'Yes' to die but of course
there should be perfectly good reasoning and have an option at least to revert back to your last point before you kicked the bucket.

Originally Posted by zane View Post
Death scenes add a certain atmosphere you cant get otherwise. It makes it feel like your actions matter and you should fear the unknown.
Yes some games, the more serious ones need this to keep your immersion
as real as possible. But there are those AG's that don't take themselves serious
and have a more light hearted approach... these could probably do without death.

Originally Posted by stepurhan View Post
I think dying should appear in adventure games where it would be illogical for it not to. If a player deliberately takes a dangerous action then not killing the player for it blows the immersion in the story. So walking next to the piranha-infested pond shouldn't result in accidental slip and death but choosing to dive into the pond should. The middle ground is the player character refusing to do stupid actions ("there's no way I'm jumping in there!"). That still affects the immersion for me but not as badly as just ignoring the possibility of death entirely.
That said, any games featuring death should have an auto-save or restart death sequence option.
Yeah what you said..... totally agree.
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